Friday, October 30, 2015

Obesity is a condition in which the body has a lot of fat content, causing the body to be obese or overweight. Actually, everyone is required to have a certain amount of fat to store energy and others. However, if the amount is excessive, then hoard fat can harm the body's metabolism.

Grouping Restrictions dangers of obesity Obesity

Clinically, a person can be said to be obese when a person's weight is 15% heavier than their ideal weight. Grouping obesity others are also classified as follows:

  • Mild obesity, overweight reached 20% to 40%.
  • Obesity was, overweight reached 41% to 100%.
  • Severe obesity, overweight is more than 100%.

Being overweight or obese is not just affecting a wide waist, but the effect is worse. A number of serious health problems, a danger that can occur due to obesity, are as follows:

1. Brain Disorders

According to recent research, there are a number of cases of obesity that are harmful to the brain. As reported by the My Health News Daily, that obesity can affect the brain such as the following:

  • Addiction to eat, because, according to obesity research can automatically change your diet. So if this is the case, then the weight will increase because of the brain need to be satisfied by its main food is sweet and fatty.
  • Change the performance of the immune system, inflammatory risk to be increased. Then this will affect the inflammation of the brain and destroyed several parts so that the mood is changing that it is difficult to break the habit of excessive eating.
  • Dementia, Dealing with inflammation due to obesity, it can make the body and mind become easily stressed. The brain size can also shrink due to the fat in the abdomen so that the risk of dementia can be increased.
  • Yo-yo dieting, which rotates diet which resulted in reduced weight and improved on an ongoing basis. This diet can make weight are getting faster, and turnover can affect the brain so easily stressed.
  • Impair memory, according to the study Journal of the American Geriatric Society, a hormone produced by fat could cause inflammation that affects the cognitive part which consequently makes a person will lose memory.

2. Heart Disease

The dangers of obesity can trigger a heart attack, because excess fat can cover the blood vessels of the heart to become clogged. If this is the case, then the attack can occur jantungpun including coronary heart disease. The symptoms shown by heart disease, among others:

  • Experiencing pain in the chest like a button
  • The pain spread to the neck to choke and to the left arm
  • Pain in the pit of the stomach
  • Sometimes accompanied by bloating
  • Weak pulse
  • Sweat in a short time and the number of lots

3. Hypertension

Obesity has a close relationship with hypertension or high blood pressure. This could occur as a result of the frequent consuming food High temperatures cause the blood, cholesterol and excess fat that can eventually lead to a narrowing of the blood vessels so that the blood pressure to rise.

Hypertension classified into 2 groups:

  • Primary hypertension, which is high blood pressure caused by lifestyle and environmental factors.
  • Secondary hypertension, which is high blood pressure caused by illness such as heart failure, kidney failure so that damage the body's hormone system.

As for some of the symptoms that are often experienced by people with hypertension are:

  • Feeling dizzy and headaches
  • Feel stiff and uncomfortable
  • Feeling shaky or feel like fall
  • Moving fast heartbeat and palpitations
  • ringing in the ears

4. Respiratory Tract Disorders

Dangers of obesity can cause respiratory problems, due to accumulation of excess fat below the diaphragm and chest wall to suppress the lung. If this is left unchecked can cause a person to have difficulty in breathing. During sleep, respiratory problems can occur, causing breathing to stop for a while (obstructive sleep apnea), leading to characteristic features of lack of sleep, such as often experience daytime sleepiness.

5. Diabetes

Risks that can be experienced by a person suffering from obesity is type 2 diabetes patients with obesity, insulin produced by the pancreas distracted by the complications of obesity that can not work up to help cells absorb glucose. Because insulin becomes ineffective, the pancreas continues to strive to produce more insulin and consequently diminishing the ability of the pancreas to produce insulin.

This condition is commonly called insulin resistance which factors cause someone had diabetes type 2. The common symptoms experienced by people with diabetes to type 2 are:

  • Frequent urination at night main
  • dry mouth
  • Frequent thirst and fatigue
  • experiencing dizziness
  • Itch and infection in the vagina or penis
  • Blurred vision
  • Infection of the skin, such as boils

6. Osteoarthritis

When obese, the risk of osteoarthritis (joint inflammation) will be more vulnerable. Parts of the body commonly experience it is the neck, hands, feet, and knees. This happens because the fat continues buried in the body causes the body burden getting heavier and grow. As a result, joint fluid is reduced more quickly so that, the parts will rub against bone and taste nyeripun will arise.

Not infrequently, tears joint cartilage can occur. Although the body has a system to fix it, but if the continuous progress, the tears could be severe.

7. Stroke

According to the study, a person suffering from obesity was more at risk of having a stroke than people who have a medium body size. This occurs because obese people tend to have high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes that would trigger a stroke.

As for some of the symptoms that occur when suffering a stroke are:

  • Weakening of motor function on one side of the body, where the stroke patient will speak pelo, or hard eyes open.
  • Blurred vision to the weakening of the coordination body, due to the loss of sensory abilities.
  • Headaches of a sudden, as a result of increased pressure in the brain. This is common in patients with bleeding strokes.
  • Feeling of nausea and vomiting, due to the increased pressure in the head to stimulate the receptors nausea.
  • Suddenly felt confused that it is difficult to speak and understand.
  • Difficulty in walking suddenly, easily swayed, and the balance is lost.
  • Feel a sudden loss of consciousness or sudden fainting.

8. Impaired Fertility

The dangers of obesity may interfere with fertility, especially for women, as a result of excess weight. The impact of this obesity, ovaries which produce eggs do not allow women to become pregnant. Although fertilization, the fetus is developing normally so difficult particularly vulnerable miscarriage. In addition, periods become irregular due to a hormone imbalance that is triggered by obesity.

9. Depression

Depression is a medical disorder that can be caused by obesity. Lack of confidence can lead to inferior emotional pressures occur. Quite often bad habits such as being more sensitive and irritable, become one of the emotions are released when feeling depressed so easily stressed.

Dangers of Obesity Causes Cancer

More recently, a fact revealed that obese people at risk for some types of cancer by 40%. The hormone estrogen is produced by fat cells, which in fact is one of the causes of cancer risk is increased.

As for some types of cancer that can be caused by obesity are:

1. Colon Cancer

Colorectal cancer is a malignant cancer cell growth in the intestines. This stems from the development of cancer cells that initially benign polyps and the only form (fast-growing cells) during its early stages. At this time the patient will not cause any symptoms, so it is very hard to know. But this should be wary because the malignant cells can become malignant.


  • There is a change in the process of defecation, which sometimes becomes hard stool or vice versa.
  • Experienced bowel obstruction
  • Faeces were out with blood and mucus
  • Sourced blood discharge from the anus or rectum
  • Feeling bloated and tense
  • Diarrhea

Treatment :
  • Local operation, ie treatment at an early stage to remove cancerous tissue without abdominal incisions. Then, a special tool inserted to the colon through the rectum or anus, and kankerpun lifted.
  • Surgical gut, namely the treatment of early-stage acts performed by operating a little wrenching stomach. Then, colon cancer is removed and connected again.
  • Resection, the treatment by removing the remaining food after surgery or surgery performed.

2. Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is a disease caused by the cancer cells grow in the breast tissue. These cells will appear in the channel or lobula in the breast. In addition, these cells can spread to other body parts. In general, cancer is often suffered by women, although men can also be affected by this disease.


  • There is a lump in the breast that did not ache.
  • Occurred itching and rash on the nipple around.
  • Discharge, or bleeding nipples.
  • Swelling of the breast skin to thicken.
  • Wrinkles occur on the skin of the breast.
  • Putting go inside.


  • Surgery, which procedures are to maintain breast, lifting the entire breast with or without lymph node tissue, and remove cells in the lymph nodes under the arm to be checked.
  • Systemic therapy, ie, chemotherapy, hormonal therapy and Herceptin.
  • Radiotherapy, using high-energy rays to kill cancer cells.
  • Rehabilitation, which is divided into physical and mental. Physical rehabilitation training after shoulder surgery, caring hands, balancing nutrition and improving lifestyles. As for mental rehabilitation as support from friends and family, as well as to follow the doctor's consultation.

3. Gallbladder Cancer

Gallbladder cancer is a disease characterized by the growth of cancer cells in the gall bladder. The gall bladder is a section near the bottom of her heart that serves to store bile, which is a liquid that helps solve and absorb body fat produced by the liver.


  • Abdominal pain, usually in the upper right abdomen
  • Stomach feels bloated
  • prickle
  • fever
  • Appetite disappears
  • feel sick
  • skin yellowing


  • Operation
  • chemotherapy
  • Radiation therapy
  • Installation Stent
  • bypass biliary
  • Kolekistektomi

4. Cervical Cancer

These cancers are also called endometrial cancer because it attacks the cancer cells that form the lining of the uterus, or endometrium. In addition, this cancer can also form a uterine sarcoma because it usually affects the muscles of the uterus around.


  • Vaginal bleeding after menopause or outside the menstrual cycle.
  • Excessive bleeding when menstruating.
  • Secretion of vaginal fluid or blood dilute form.
  • Pain in the pelvic area and during intercourse.
  • Occurred lump in the lower abdomen.


  • Hysterectomy, the surgical removal of the uterus, both ovaries and fallopian tubes to remove a woman's chances of conceiving. Hysterectomy can also be done through surgery with a few small incisions. In addition, this operation also underwent removal of the cervix and upper vagina.
  • Radiotherapy, which is treatment performed after undergoing a hysterectomy to inhibit the spread of cancer. The effects of this treatment on the skin as red and sore on the treated or bleeding in the rectum.
  • Chemotherapy is usually done for patients with cervical cancer stage 3 or 4 given gradually through infusion. The effect can be fallen hair, fatigue, nausea to vomiting.
  • Hormone therapy, done to address uterine cancer that comes back. Its function is to shrink the tumor and reduce symptoms. The side effects are weight becomes increased, muscle cramps, and nausea.

5. Kidney Cancer

Kidney cancer is a malignant tumor that grows in parts of the renal parenchyma. Kidney cancer can spread to nearby tissue and organs through to the primary tumor can exit through the veins or lymphatics.


  • There are no obvious symptoms, because in general, 40% of kidney cancer incidentally discovered during a medical examination without any apparent sign.
  • Urinating blood, which can be seen with the naked eye. If form clots in large quantities it will hurt and pain when urinating.
  • A lump, which is about 10% to 40% of people can feel it in the stomach.
  • Lumbago, by tumors that grow large and increased tumor invasion into the surrounding tissue.
  • The symptoms of metastasis, which is experiencing bone pain, fractures, cough with or without blood.


  • Operation, with the removal of the entire kidney, adrenal gland and adipose tissue resection around the kidney accompanied by removal of nearby lymph nodes.
  • Methods Ar-He knife therapy, to lower the temperature of the tumor so that it can destroy tumor tissue.
  • Radiofrequency ablation, namely the application of high-energy radio waves that function heats up the tumor to a high frequency of tumor cells were destroyed.
  • Radiotherapy methods, namely the application of high-energy rays that serve shrink or kill the cancer cells.
  • Methods of targeted therapies, serves to inhibit the growth of blood vessels that supply nutrients to the tumor ordinary and cancerous cells in other parts.
  • Methods of immunotherapy, works to increase the immune system to fight and destroy the cancer cells.
  • Chemotherapy methods, namely by injecting anti-cancer drugs to the blood vessels or by oral pills that flow throughout the body via the blood.

6. Esophageal Cancer

Cancer of the esophagus is usually known as esophageal cancer. This cancer attacks the cells of the esophagus tissue with malignant tumors. This type of cancer is divided into four, but the most common by up to 90% are squamous cell carcinomas.


  • Feels weird throat to choke when swallowing food.
  • When swallowing, chest feels heat, until the pain as interested.
  • Often accompanied by vomiting, abdominal pain, until the weight loss and other symptoms.

  • Operation, namely by eliminating the tumor tissue near the lymph nodes to make it more effective.
  • Radiotherapy, performed before surgery in order to shrink the tumor, and after the operation to eliminate the remnants of the cells after surgery.
  • Chemotherapy, radiotherapy can be combined with that of cancer cells is reduced or disappears.
  • Photodynamic therapy, commonly performed for treatment after first-line treatment.

7. Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer is a disease that cancer cells are formed in the pancreas and the beginning of the exocrine cells.


  • Samar, because pancreatic cancer is often diagnosed at an advanced stage.
  • Indigestion, as well as swelling and bowel movements.
  • Had jaundice as the eyes and skin.


  • Surgery.
  • Palliative care.
  • Comprehensive treatment, assisted by radioterapidan chemotherapy.
  • Actually, we could do this hazard prevention of obesity, by adopting a healthy lifestyle. Selection of the proper intake, fiber consciousness to create ideal weight remains obesity can avoid this interference.

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