Thursday, December 31, 2015

Healthy food is very important for our body, by consuming healthy food, we will be protected from various kinds of diseases.

Here are 10 Healthy food for a healthy weight:

  • Apple

Apples are easy fiber processed to combat cholesterol. Apples are also good for a good source of vitamin C. Apples contain quecertin, plavanoid to avoid cancer.
  • Almond nut

Almonds are rich in fiber and protein, it is also good for the source of iron, magnesium, and vitamin E. Consumption of raw almonds or have been in the process for obtaining best value.
  • Blueberries

Blueberries are rich in fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants. Type berry others may also be an option that is just as good. Eaten time remain fresh for good health.
  • Spinach

Spinach beneficial for the hair and skin due to rich in iron, magnesium, and vitamins A and C.
  • Red beans

Edible beans have fiber, protein, iron, phosphorus, magnesium is high, as well as some vitamins and minerals.
  • Broccoli

Broccoli is a good source of calcium, potassium, and vitamins A and C. To obtain best results do not cook too cook and stay away from using the sauce and the cheese is too excessive.
  • tuber

Sweet potatoes are rich in vitamins. In potatoes are vitamin A, B, C, and E. Beyond that, sweet potatoes are also low in calories.
  • salmon

Some of the major types of fish and seafood is a healthy choice, but salmon is the fish most good with proteins and amino acids omega 3 high.
  • Wheat

Wheat is rich in vitamin B3, thiamine or vitamin B1, iron, fiber, and vitamin E. Consumption of wheat could be how fast you lose weight.
  • Soy

Soybeans contain omega 3, calcium, and iron.
  • Healthy diet

A healthy diet is a way to lose weight in a healthy manner. So that the body remains in good shape even though we are doing a healthy diet.

How to lose weight really is to do a physical activity which is accompanied by the consumption of healthy eating. With the weight of the proportional body will be primed, protected from various kinds of diseases and has the physical appearance of a great body. Physical appearance also has a nice body positiif impact on self-confidence.

Here's How to lose weight fast:

1. Begin today!
Act now, do not procrastinate, the more you delay the more lazy you. In the end it was never done. The sooner you do, the sooner the results can be seen.

2. Use a realistic goal
Determine the purpose at the beginning of the program. With a clear goal, it will be easier to reach your ideal weight. For additional motivation, hang hot pants or your favorite jeans that have long been hiding in the closet, an eye-catching place.

3. Do not be enforced
You need 1200-1500 calories / day so that the body is always healthy. Chop up the remaining 600 calories to 800 calories / day will slow down the body's metabolic system. When the metabolism is slow, then the fat to accumulate in the body is also getting bigger. Instead slim, it could be coming disease.

4. Promote morning meal schedule
Do not negate the morning meal. A research revealed that 4,000 people who successfully lose weight are those who could not forget breakfast. If you have breakfast 9am 7am change so that the combustion system power begins early and quickly.

5. Check your breakfast menu
Start the day with breakfast 300-500 calories, but not only with the high fat diet. "Choose a loaf of bread, use whole-wheat toast with 1 cup of salad, plus 1 egg omelet. Or, 100 grams of rice with 1 piece of fish plus 1 cup of vegetables, "instigation dr. Pauline Endang SpGK, clinical nutrition specialist doctors in Jakarta.

6. Chewing was 36 times every meal!
Try calculation, what is the amount you chew at mealtimes? If less than 36 times, try more. The longer you chew, the food would be more easily processed, you will also be easier to feel full.

7. Drink plenty of water
How to lose weight can drink plenty of water. Dehydration can interfere with the body's metabolism system, "said dr. Endang. If you are diligent in drinking water of 1.5 liters or 8-10 cups / day, without any diet, then your weight within a year could fall by up to 2, 5 kg.

8. Motion, dong!
Sports all 60-90 minutes, 3-4 times a week, must be done. Combined aerobic shape of jogging and walking, respectively alternating every three minutes, enough to burn fat efficiently. If never, walk around the house or in the office all 5 minutes of each interval of one hour can burn 200-300 calories.

9. The more fiber
Fiber also has a major role in driving fat. The more fibers that enter the body, the volume of stool will be enlarged because of the faster-shaped fiber absorbs water. Adults need 21 grams of fiber / day. "If you commonly eat fruits and vegetables, increase the portion to 5 cups / day. Divided into five meals, "anjur dr. Endang.

10. Is it enough to just fruit consumption?
You will easily starve if just eat vegetables or fruit. Enter the 15% -20% protein in each menu to increase metabolism. Digestive system needs power to do the metabolic system.

Ideal Body Weight

The ideal weight can be achieved if you can do 10 landing at the top. It takes the process and effort, with 10 activities over my ideal weight flavor can be achieved.

How to calculate your ideal weight women
Female ideal body weight (kg) = (height (cm) - 100) - (15% x Height - 100)
For example, if there is a woman has the height 170cm, then how to calculate the ideal weight:
(170-100) - (15% x Height - 100) = 59.5 Kg

How to calculate the ideal weight of men
Male ideal body weight = (height (cm) - 100) - (10% x Height - 100)
For example, if a man has a height of 180cm, then how to calculate the ideal weight:
(180-100) - (10% x Height - 100) = 72 Kg

Fast diet is a diet that desire by many people, all want a quick but healthy diet. Many people assume that fast diet are not good for health, but if we do it right, our bodies will remain fit and healthy even though we do a quick diet. Healthy food as one way to lose weight is good.

Slimming body is a product / equipment / food / vitamin that is used for slimming the body. Now many people are looking for natural or unnatural body slimming. Now many outstanding slimming body are quite varied. But we have to be smart to select it in order to achieve our objectives without harming health. So choose a way to lose weight is healthy.


By adopting a healthy lifestyle at the top of the ideal health will be achieved. The health of our bodies is much more important than anything, it's useless to have money when our health impaired. When discussing health, then the following interesting topics about the world of health:
  • Women's health
  • reproduction health
  • eye health
  • Child health
  • dental health


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