Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Genetic Factor In Childhood Obesity

Obesity puts children in danger, in which children are more at risk of developing type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and even depression. Although lifestyle factors such as overeating and less active lifestyles contribute to obesity, genetic factors also play a role in this regard.

According to experts from Colorado State University Extension, have parents that obesity is one of the strongest indicators of a child will be obese. Obesity is generally measured by determining body mass index. The body mass index is calculated by dividing weight by height in inches squared. The result is then multiplied by 703. If the body mass index greater than 30, it is considered obese.

Endocrine system disorders are also associated with obesity. An example is the Prader-Willi syndrome, which occurs due to a defect on chromosome 15. Children with this condition will have excessive body weight. Symptoms will usually apparent at age 1 to 4 years. Children with this condition usually very hungry and satiated after eating difficult. If the child has a weight gain that can not be explained, endocrine disorders are likely responsible in this regard.

A study has been published in the "American Journal of Human Genetics" in November 2010, led by Joseph T. Glessner of the Center for Applied Genomics at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia. The study mirrors genomic study of thousands of obese children and those with standard weight to determine whether there is a pattern that can be found. Researchers found that those with variations in the number of derivatives, (the gene sequence is duplicated), are at increased risk of obesity is higher. People descended from American, European, and African-Americans were found to have variations in the number of higher derivative.

Genetic factors did contribute to obesity, but these factors are not the only contributor. Although children are genetically predisposed to obesity, a commitment to a healthy lifestyle through physical activity and proper diet can help minimize the risk. To minimize the risk of the child becoming obese, ask your doctor's advice about how to maintain a healthy weight. Children usually will imitate their parents. When parents make healthy lifestyle choices, then the child will learn good habits early in life that will carry over into adulthood.

Child Obesity Risk of Gout

Every parent would want their children healthy and well nourished. Children who are obese are considered more adorable than a skinny kid. In addition, many people think that fat is a healthy sign. However it turns out, children who are overweight (obese) are more at risk of developing various diseases in adulthood, including one gout.

Children may experience gout when they have a genetic disorder that causes them to experience hyperuricemia, where the condition of uric acid levels in the blood exceeds "normal" that is more than 7.0 mg / dl. However, children who do not have this disorder is still at risk, especially in children with a tendency to obesity. Gout probably would not they feel at the moment, but when they got older they are more at risk of developing this disease than children who are not overweight.

A study explain that obesity makes a person four times more likely to get gout than those skinny. And children who are obese will be faster developing gout than those who are obese in adulthood. Why is that? Children who are obese usually have irregular eating patterns so intake protein, fat, and carbohydrate balance. This could lead to a buildup of uric acid or protein purines more than normal especially in children uncontrolled intake of protein. In addition, obesity in children led to pressure on the joints and changes in the chemical process in the body. Changes in the chemical process in the body of a child causing trouble processing uric acid in the body which can lead to high levels of uric acid in the blood.

In an effort to prevent high levels of uric acid, it can be done by focusing on weight management was good. The process to reduce the weight of children do while watching the nutritional intake of children to child development is not compromised. It is not emphasized in the eating restriction, but apply a proper diet in order to eat more regularly. You as parents can prevent obesity occurs early by instilling healthy eating habits. Weight control children according to their age and height. If the child is already obese, you can consult a doctor so that their weight does not cause complications detrimental to good health for now want even when later he was an adult.

Obesity and Risk of Brain Damage In Teens

Weight gain was not only damaging physical appearance, but also has been studied to increase the risk of many diseases, including brain damage. Many studies have shown a link between the disease due to being overweight with cognitive problems. This capability refers to the brain process of collecting, analyzing and using information. According to research, people with heart disease or high blood pressure which is closely associated with obesity, has memory, thinking and analytical power is lower compared to those with normal weight.

Research conducted at the NYU School of Medicine reveals that the metabolic syndrome (MetS) can cause brain damage and cognitive impairment in adolescents. So far, research has linked metabolic syndrome to brain damage and cognitive. Researchers assume this is happening as a result of poor metabolism. Research also has found that the brain and cognitive disorders in adolescents with metabolic syndrome have even more severe effects. Metabolic syndrome is related to the problem of obesity in children.

In obese children, areas of the brain in charge of controlling impulsive, called the orbitofrontal cortex, tends to shrink compared with children of normal weight. The results of this study were presented at the meeting of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at New York. Even in adolescents with a smaller orbitofrontal cortex, the greater the risk to become more impulsive. However, these studies have not found a causal relationship,
Obesity is known to cause changes in the immune system, and increases inflammation in the body. Increased inflammation can affect the brain and lead to obesity leads to inflammation, which damages certain parts of the brain. This causes the urge to eat more and more and eventually obesity.

In recent years, the number of children and adolescents who are overweight increased drastically. This is certainly very worrying. If this pattern continues sustainable, it will be more and more people are at risk of brain damage that disrupts the performance at work and school. Therefore, the experts give recommendations on parents to protect their child's brain to maintain a healthy weight. Parents can consult nutritionist about a healthy diet that is right for their child. A healthy diet also certainly needs to be balanced with regular exercise. Experts also argue that "a healthy body will have an impact on healthy brain anyway".

Danger Pregnancy in Women Obesity

Overweight or obesity is one of the things that have a high risk of various diseases. Many diseases are caused by obesity such as stroke, heart disease, diabetes and others. If we talk about the pregnancy, the question arises whether obese women with a body able to become pregnant, and if it is able to get pregnant if pregnant can safely and deliver vaginally?

If a woman has never been pregnant and have obesity, it will complicate pregnancy. If you are currently overweight, does not mean you will get the problems above. You can strive to have a healthy pregnancy, for example by trying to lose weight before becoming pregnant, or you can also directly consult with your doctor to get a better solution.

When you are pregnant and have excess weight, you do not try to do a strict diet. The gestation period is not the right time to do weight loss. Your baby needs nourishment and adequate nutrition for growth and development so that they are healthy and growing properly. During pregnancy, a woman would have to have more weight than usual. So, what weight gain is sufficient for obese women who are pregnant? Some experts recommend weight gain in the range of 5-10 Kg. For your case, you should consult with your gynecologist. For some cases, even doctors recommend not to increase the weight. Having a fixed weight, does not mean you reduce food portions than recommended by your doctor.

Basically, obese women can have healthy babies and are born perfectly. However, obesity during pregnancy may increase the risk of various complications that may occur in the mother and fetus.

The risk of fetal maternal obesity:

Congenital defects, such as heart defects and neural tube.

Risk Mothers who have obesity:

  • Abnormal high blood pressure, gestational diabetes mellitus (diabetes during pregnancy) and preeclampsia
  • Babies born to great
  • Delivery by caesarean section
  • The occurrence of miscarriage and fetal deaths (stillbirths)

The choice of food during pregnancy for obese women

Such as pregnant women in general, you should consume a variety of foods vary. Ask your doctor about foods that contain calcium and folic acid for the growth of your baby. To get a healthy pregnancy, a step that you do the same with pregnant women in general. You must consume varied foods and make sure these foods contain enough nutrients for you and your baby. Additionally, you can also do regular exercise (type of exercise tailored to the doctor's advice), avoid alcohol and smoking.


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