Thursday, April 7, 2016

Having a proportionate body may be the desire of every person. Various methods are used, one of which is to consume slimming drug. Generally slimming drugs used by those who are obese (or fear of becoming obese). But you know that obesity is already established when a person was a child? This means that since I was little potential for obesity have been seen, until the greater in adulthood.

What is the Obesity?

Lightly, obesity is a state of excess body weight above normal. One way to measure a person's normal body weight by using the size of the Body Mass Index (BMI), which calculates the weight divided by height squared (BMI = kg / m2). In general, a person aged 35 years was obese if she has a BMI> = 27. For those aged <34 years, BMI score of 25 is already included declared obesity. Generally, a BMI of 30 or more have indicated moderate to severe obesity.

What Causes Obesity?

There are several factors that can cause a person to experience obesity, including genetic factors, environmental, psychological and others.

Genetically, obesity generally tends to be decreased. Actually not just a matter of genetics, family generally also lowering diet and lifestyle that can contribute to obesity. For example parents who let their children eat Chiapas alone and even facilitate the child to eat food that is tasty and lean. Surely it would affect the development and the child's weight.

Environmental factors have a significant influence, for example, the ease of getting fast food yan generally high cholesterol, the less work allows many physical movements of the body, or more priority race keketimbang food nutritional factors in choosing food.

Equally important factor is the psychological factor because it can affect a person's eating habits. There are some people eat more in response to negative mood state as a sad, bored, or angry. Some of them may have an eating disorder such as impulse eating less controllable (binge eating), despite being full, or snacking habits are difficult to break. People like these are at risk for obesity, and need to get special treatment, such as counseling or other psychological therapies.

In addition to the above three factors, other causes of obesity could be a disease or use of certain medications. Hypothyroid disease, Cushing's syndrome, and depression can trigger overeating. Some medications such as steroids and certain antidepressants also have the side effect of weight gain.

 How to Overcome Obesity?

The first of restrictions on eating and increasing physical activity, so the calorie intake and use becomes balanced. But if it is difficult to do, or do not succeed, it needs the help of medication, the anti-obesity drug.

Anti-obesity drugs are medications that can reduce or control weight. These drugs work by changing the fundamental processes in the body and the regulation of body weight, by suppressing appetite, affect the metabolism or reduce the absorption of food / calories.

How Anti-Obesity Drug Mechanism of Action?

Anti-obesity drugs work by several mechanisms:

  1. Suppress appetite
  2. Increase metabolism
  3. Lowering the body's ability to absorb certain nutrients from food, particularly fats, for example by blocking peruairan fat so it can not be absorbed by the body.

Examples of Anti-Obesity Drugs, among others:
  • Orlistat (Xenical)

These drugs reduce the absorption of fat in the gut by inhibiting the enzyme lipase from the pancreas. Lipase is an enzyme that charge down fats. These drugs can cause the stool becomes fatty, flatulence, and controls CHAPTER disturbed. But these side effects can be reduced if the intake of fatty foods is reduced.

  • Sibutramine (Meridia, Reductil)

These drugs work centrally to suppress appetite by regulating the availability of neurotransmitters in the brain, which inhibits the re-uptake of serotonin and norepinephrine. However, this drug should be used with caution because it can increase blood pressure, cause dry mouth, constipation, headache and insomnia.

Sibutramine is often written by rogue manufacturers herbal slimming. Mixing herbal slimming with Sibutramine is a criminal act which did not think about the safety of its users. The herbs are mixed Sibutramine is very risky when taken by patients who have impaired cardiovascular disease because it can cause increased blood pressure and possibly the risk of stroke.

  • Laxative medications

Another drug that is often used to reduce weight is a class of laxatives (laxative). With the expected launch weight BAB also relatively controlled. The use of laxatives as slimming in a long time is not recommended because the colon will become lazy and work only if there is a trigger. This will result in the body of a dependent.

  • Diuretics

Diuretic drugs (facilitating urine) is also often used as a slimming drug. But the real effect is not significant in reducing weight. If the weight is due to a heap fluid, diuretics indeed be the right choice. But when fatty deposits, then diuretic effect will not be significant. Generally slimming tea contains natural compounds that are diuretics that leave slimming effect.

  • Medications Herbal Slimming

Lots of herbal products that claim to have a slimming effect. There are said to be working dissolve fat, or reduce the absorption of fat in the intestine. One well-known as herbal slimming is a Dutch identity. Tannin contained in the leaves, can reduce the absorption of food by precipitating mucosal surface proteins present in the intestines. Slimming herbal drugs are more safe but its efficacy would need evidence of further research. There may be successful, or may not.

Well, it's ready to choose which one? Being slim may be better, but do not want to slim down but instead become ill because of side effects. if truly obese and need treatment, consult your doctor to get appropriate treatment.

8 Ways to Prevent Obesity

1. Drink water.

Many Reduce Drinking Water and soft drinks that contain a lot of sugar (4 cans of soda per week can make weight gain of 0.5 kg). While water helps dissolve fat in the body.

2. Eat fiber.

Expand Fiber From Fruits and Vegetables, which will coat the intestinal wall so that you will be easier to feel full faster.

3. Avoid snack.

Avoid Calorie Snacks Solid. It's time you know that sugar in potato chips is much larger than the sugar contained in a plate of rice!

4. Keep Moving.

If you are reluctant to join the fitness club, jogging every weekend can be a choice, make it a habit to use the stairs instead of the elevator while at the office or biking to work (bike-to-work) could replace him.

5. Create Target.

In order for your diet is getting excited. You need to make a target of achieving, for example, this month can lose weight 2 kg.

6. Invite your friend / girlfriend.

They could be encouraging you. Invite them to have a healthy life. Your diet guaranteed to be fun and not burdensome.

7. Diet.

If you weigh begin excess above the normal limit, then you need a diet of carbohydrates (rice, chips, french fries), fats (oils, fried foods, margarine) and all the food was processed using sugar (syrup, candies and jams ).

8. Choose Substitutes.

Instead of eating high-calorie ice cream, choose yogurt just for your daily snack. Because, yogurt can lower blood cholesterol, so your heart health is maintained.

Yogurt also keep microflora which serves to prevent entry of the disease into your digestion tract. Enough to eat yogurt 1 or 2 glasses a day sudha enough to help you prevent obesity.


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