Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Whether because of the hot weather, or perhaps due to less intake in the body, the body becomes more easily tired. If it is so, generally sleepy and lazy will descend and result in abandonment of the job. Not only that, but a variety of minor ailments such as the flu can be easily invade the body anytime.

Various activities undertaken, requires freshness and physically fit to do so. With a body that is fit and stamina are qualified, then the job will be more easily resolved without a hitch. Body fit, make a healthy body becomes more secure with mature protection.

Maintaining the health and fitness of the body should be done from now on. get used consumption of healthy foods and stay away from habits and intake that brings disease. Strong endurance not only protect you from the dangers of germs and bacteria, but also protects you from extreme weather conditions like rain, wind and the heat so oppressive. (See also: how to increase endurance)

There are many ways you can do to protect the body from harm and make the disease increased physical health as the example below:

1. Expand antioxidants
Eating plenty of antioxidant is the right step in maintaining a healthy body from the many germs and bacteria that can strike at any time. Antioxidants are substances that are so important for the body, especially to protect the body from free radical attack. Body cells damaged by free radicals, is one trigger a chronic illness such as cancer, vascular disorders or inflammation in the joints.

Free radicals can attack our body's defenses at any time and if a weak immune system, the body can easily subverted disease. This is why sufficient antioxidants in the body is a must and should not be abandoned. Endurance is stronger then the flu virus and other infectious germs will pass. (See also: foods containing antioxidants)

2. Inadequate water needs
Do you know how important the water intake for the human body? Keep in mind the body consists of 70% water when we are short of water, the body will become sick more easily. Increase your water intake can also keep the body from dehydration disorder which results in an easy stress, frequent headaches, fatigue and the causes of migraine.

Adequate body's need for water has many benefits such as helping you to stay focused and keep the body from harm bacteria and viruses so that the body will increase his physical strength. For those of you who like to travel or maybe at work or school, always carry water in your bag. If at any time you feel tired or maybe distractedly due to the danger of dehydration, quickly bring your water consumption.

The habit of always carrying water is one of the obligations that must be done. Even at home though, it helps if you prepare is always water at the table. When you feel tired, whether at work or school projects, direct drinking water that you bring. Put the bottle of water near you, an easy steps to keep the body from dehydration. Why so?

Many people are sometimes reluctant to simply walk into the kitchen and fetch water from there. If it is so, they would prefer to remain silent and do the job that is in front of them.

There are plenty of healthy drinks you can consume in addition to the need of water as well as juices and teas. (See also: dangers of drinking too much water)

3. Provide fruits and vegetables at home
The food was most excellent in refreshing the body and increase endurance so that the physical strength to get better is fresh fruits and vegetables. Vegetables and fruits are natural food ingredients that could be used as a menu choice to be consumed regularly every day. The best way to get to the maximum nutritional content of fruits and vegetables is to eat them in a raw state. But if you do not fit in with the menu then you should boil it first. Remember not to boil it in a long time.

The vegetables were cooked too long, it could lose substances and nutrients that are good for health. As a result the content of gizinyapun be less than the maximum. If it is so, then the body will get sick so that the physical condition is no longer prime.

For better results and guaranteed nutritional intake of your body, then provide always fruits and vegetables in your home. Fruit and vegetable consumption is done routinely able to keep your body from harm illness. (See also: forbidden foods when dieting)

4. Consumption of coffee with enough
Coffee synonymous with drinks that can help us to be more focused when working on something. But unfortunately the coffee consumed in excessive levels, even have the opposite effect. Excessive consumption of coffee can make a person awake at night is full or you may get headaches that persisted. Consuming coffee with a good dose, can improve a person's physical energy body. (See also: Coffee for anemia)

5. Avoid alcohol and smoking
Smoking and alcohol consumption are the two habits die hard, especially for those who had already known him. Both of these habits, is the culprit of many diseases even though kind of a dangerous disease. Consuming alcohol, especially at bedtime is a bad habit first 3 or 4 hours before you go to bed.

Nicotine is a substance that can create a lot of health problems such as insomnia and increased blood pressure. If this habit continues, your physical will be more easily tired and weak. As a result the performance of whatever you do, the results will not be maximized. (See also: the harmful effects of nicotine cigarettes)

6. Perform abdominal breathing
Doing abdominal breathing or diaphragmatic breathing also referred to is one way to increase your physical energy. This method is a powerful step in helping the body to be more relaxed and definitely avoid stress, abdominal breathing is a simple technique which only takes a few minutes to do so. The trick is easy enough to sit, relax and breathe deeply from your nose and slowly remove it from your mouth. Repeat this step several times when you are in the middle for a break or when you feel under pressure. (See also: how to cope with shortness of breath)

7. Sugar is a short-term energy enhancer
Many people think if sugar is an instant energy booster. But do you know if it turns out this is only true in the short term? Sugar may increase a person's energy, but only temporarily rest, reduced levels of sugar in the body will make you easily get tired.

It is important and you should notice is to maintain constant levels of sugar in the body. Also avoid sugar spikes decline abruptly. There are some of the best food you can consume for stable energy burning slowly in the body as well as grains. (See also: how to maintain normal blood sugar levels)

8. Stretches
When you do this type of work manually, make sure if you break even just 5 minutes away. Especially when you do the work, then sit all day in front of the monitor screen work can make you experience fatigue and decreased strength physical. Anticipating this, you can get up and stretch my legs, arms and your hands. Stretch to give the body more energy and relaxes your muscles are aching. (See also: sport jump rope for women)

9. Keep your mood
Mood and energy were all related to one another. For those of you who are in a bad mood atmosphere general decrease in energy occurs. As a result the performance suffers. But when you are a good mood then you will also be more eager in doing something. (See also: how to improve your mood)

10. Follow your body clock
Everyone has coined the body each hour. It is important for you to tolerate your own body clock. There are some people whose deeds were good in the morning but some kind people, good physical strength at a time when the afternoon or evening. Steps to determine your own optimal time is to keep your daily schedule on a regular basis ranging from eating habits, sleep and wake up at the same time on each day. As you already know when the best time for the body, then you can increase your productivity when you are in the optimal condition. (See also: food suitable for blood group AB)

11. Listen to your favorite music
Simple steps to improve the physical next is a way to listen to music. Has done a lot of research, if it turns out the music and energy linked closely enough. Sounds of high frequency will be able to deliver the energy can effectively divert a person's fatigue. Fulfill your ipod or cell phone with uplifting songs that you can listen to obtain extra energy when you need them. (See also: how to improve the focus)

12. Enough rest
Many people consider sleep for 7 to 8 hours a day can make their productivity decreases. As a result many workers and students who have more staying up so that the target they want to be reached. But do you know if the activity is in fact very detrimental to your physical and mental?

Those who sleep less are usually much easier emotional and physical conditions that are susceptible to illnesses. Sleep is a positive activity that can rejuvenate the power of the mind as well as your body. Sleep can also reduce the risk of onset of illness symptoms like flu and other diseases.

During sleep, the body will release the hormone cortisol, which is useful to improve the person's immune system against the disease. (See also: how to maintain mental health)

13. Expand protein
Protein is an important substance that serves as a body builder. When the body lacks protein, the body will be unstable and prone to many types of diseases. some diseases are caused due to lack of protein in the body include easy hair loss, skin color changes, the old wounds heal, less fluid in the body, digestive disorders, liver disorders and decreased endurance. (See also: due to shortage and excess protein)

14. Sport
Sports became one of the good habits that should be done routinely every day. Exercise has so many functions for the body, especially to improve fitness and endurance of a person. Metaboliesme exercise habits to make the body become more fluent. Not only that, but the perspiration in the body because exercise can also release toxins in the body.

Sports are used as a regular habit effect on endurance-boosting hormone that is increased so that the body is not easily affected by the disease. Besides circulating in the blood will also become more fluent. As a result the brain-supplied with sufficient oxygen. (See also: nausea after exercise)

15. Avoid stress
A traffic jam, the atmosphere is so hot to grip once the stress is increased. Stress is not handled properly evidently can endanger health. When someone is under stress, the hormones adrenaline and cortisol are released. Adrenaline is a hormone that can increase heart rate and raise blood pressure of blood in the body. While cortisol can increase blood sugar.

Stress can wreak havoc on the body's natural system that is useful to protect the body against various kinds of diseases. Avoiding stress can be done through many ways such as a leisurely stroll as well as a variety of other fun activities. Activities that do certainly make the body become more relaxed so that the blood pressure in the body can be decreased. (See also: 15 ways to cope with stress super potent)

16. Visit places of interest
Visiting a place of interest is one powerful way to chase away stress. There are plenty of options that you can go somewhere that has a natural panorama withdraw or full game area. Visiting places of interest can eliminate the stress that triggers the body easily tired due and excited. (See also: how to relieve stress)

17. Consumption of fish as much as 2 times a week
Fish is one of the ingredients good healthy food consumption because it contains protein, amino acids, vitamins, omega-3 and minerals good for the body. eating fish can lower blood pressure and reduce heart disease disorders. Not only that, but the consumption of fish also can improve health for the better, eventually your body will be more energetic. (See also: the danger of liver disease)

18. Eating foods are energy
Eating the snacks or maybe a snack can be done at once every few hours, eat foods with a little portion but the intensity that often turned out to be better than the eating great meal 3 times a day. This method is done to improve the body's metabolic system as well as to improve the performance of the brain with nutrients. As a result the brain will be more active.

The type of foods have a low GI can give you more energy because it can keep blood sugar levels. There are many healthy foods that you can use to support your daily energy additions such as grains, fruits and nuts. (See also: how to increase metabolism)

19. Brisk walking at dawn
Make a habit of walking for 10 minutes, can increase your body's energy. A study also indicate if a quick walk in the morning is an energy enhancer better than candy. The advantages of this activity is to help burn calories in the body and launched a metabolic system and development of organs in your body. (See also: how to shrink the bloated stomach by exercising)

Brisk walking can be done simply by walking around your house or yard. This simple exercise is able to boost the body fit so that the body becomes more fit.

20. Avoid junk food
The longer the production of junk food with all sorts of shapes and flavors vary capable of tempting so hard to avoid. Consumption of junk food is not good for health, especially for a long period of time. Junk food is able to make the body fit and at risk for many health problems. As a result of the physical condition is declining.

Avoid junk food can be done in many ways, especially by cooking your own meals at home. Cooking food made at home is certainly much healthier than you have to look for food outside. Many foods out there that are given certain additional substances to make people interested in buying. Although interesting but pregnancy is dangerous is certainly not good for the health of your body. (See also: 21 impact hazard to the health of fast food)

21. Consumption of fruit juice
Lemon is famous as an ingredient in tasty beverages brewed with hot water or mixed with ice. Lemon contains vitamin C is high enough so that it can become a supplier of antioxidants that are good for the body. Vitamin C in the lemon acts as a deterrent to the entry of bacteria and germs are able to harm health.

Consuming lemon not only prevent you from health problems, but when you are in a state of pain was, healing will be; sooner. For those of you who have gastric acid diseases, should eat a lemon in a way menyeduhnya using warm water.

Besides a role in helping prevent the body from disease hazards and good for healing, lemon is also a natural detoxification. Lemon juice is consumed regularly, can improve urination so as to assist the body in removing toxins in the body. Eating warm water with lemon in the morning, also helped the course of the digestive process in the body. The immune system strong with lemon, would make fisk force you to be better. (See also: due to shortage and excess vitamin C)

22. Garlic
For those of you who got the flu, you will be physically weaker and certainly do work that the center will be abandoned. Eating garlic raw, especially in a state can be a potent repellent flu. Although it is less comfortable when exposed to the tongue, but the properties of garlic unquestionable.

Garlic also contains antioxidants that are good in keeping the immune system and can be used as a quick solution to kill viruses that cause the flu. In the garlic, also contained either substance called allicin. This substance is useful to keep the body from bacteria.

Excess garlic is quite a lot not only as antibacterial but also to stimulate the production of white blood cells that play a role as a fighting germs. If not strong taste, you can eat garlic to mix it into noodles or soup. (See also: the dangers of raw garlic)

23. Chocolate
How to improve the capability and other physical health is by eating chocolate. Chocolate is useful to calm the mind and antioxidant concentrates. (See also: due to the excess antioxidant)

24. Spinach
Spinach contains a high enough folic useful in preventing DNA damage and vascular disorders. Eating spinach can actively keep the body more resistant to disease. As a result your body will feel more fit and fresh. In spinach, also contains vitamin C, fiber, antioxidants and a variety of other nutrients. You can eat spinach in a state of raw or boiled for a minute.

25. Broccoli
One more green vegetables are good in maintaining the health and the health of the body is broccoli. In broccoli contains substances that are good for the body. Not only contains vitamin C as an antioxidant in broccoli also contains many other good substances such as glutathione and vitamin A. (read also: lack of vitamin)

26. Watermelon
Fruit with red and meats that contain a lot of water has become one kind of fruit with high antioxidant content. In addition to antioxidants, watermelon also contains glutathione, which plays a role in increasing endurance in order not to get sick.

27. Ginger
Ginger is known as one of the plants that are not only used for add savory food, but also useful to keep warm. Ginger can be used as a stimulant of the immune system and cleanse the lungs by triggering the production of mucus. When the body feels less fit and tired quickly. Ginger can be used as a healthy solution by means brewed. Consumption while still warm, and the body will be spared from fatigue.

28. Honey
Honey has a sweet taste with healthy content is good for health. Honey can also be used as an antibiotic and acts as an antiseptic. Honey is useful in enhancing the immune system, maintain healthy skin and good for curing asthma. Consumption of honey regularly to prevent the body from disease activity in order to become more fluent.

29. Peanuts
Peanuts can be used as a daily companion especially in my spare time. The beans can be processed and used as a snack to accompany your leisure time. Peanut is good for the body because it contains antioxidants that can prevent the body from disease. Amazingly beans also contain vitamin E, omega-3 and zinc. Eating beans, helps the body to avoid many types of chronic diseases. (See also: 30 foods containing vitamin E and its benefits)

30. Consumption of yogurt
In yogurt are Lactobacillus that can boost immunity to fight cancer and infections. Besides yogurt can also help increase the number of white blood cells in the body so as to prevent the body from infection. With a healthy body, the activity as well as your physical strength will be better.

Not only exercise and physical activity enhancers, but eating healthy foods also be one thing that you must meet.


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