Monday, December 14, 2015

Are you among those who bodied ectomorph so difficult to get information on how to fatten the body? Consider the following tips:

Many people come to the gym (gym) with a variety of reasons. Anyone want to lose weight, maintain body shape, to want to gain weight and muscle mass.

For those of you who ectomorph body type, almost certainly your target is to gain weight and muscle mass.

If some people want to lose weight, then another case with you. Because including ectomorph, then put on weight is your MAIN TARGET.


Actually, if you really have the ectomorph body type?

Previously, the type of the human body is divided into 3. Namely ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph. Genetic factors play an important role in determining your body type. However, that does not mean it is a barrier for those who want to lose weight, or gain weight.

In this article, we discuss how to fatten your body for the ectomorph body type.

What it ectomorph?

If you are an ectomorph body, its main characteristic is to have a thin physique. Also, bone structure tend to be smaller than most people.

In addition, the ectomorph body types have very little fat and the ability to store fat in a large amount is also less.

  • High & Slim

Ectomorph body type tends to be high, but very thin, with narrow shoulders, as well as the high metabolism.

  • Hardgainer

Due to a high metabolism, then it is likely the body to store fat is also less and less. Ectomorph body type is usually called 'hard gainer' since struggled to build muscle.

However, it does not mean you can not have the ideal body shape as you desire.

You can still get to do the two most important step. Namely diet and exercise routine.


As a way to fatten the body, which is the key factor is diet.

Similar to lose weight, adjusting the diet remains an important factor as a way of fattening the body.

Anything you can do to this diet?
  • Counting Calories

When entering the bulking mass or gain weight, counting calories is not likely to do.

Yes, in this mass usually you always override this way and prefer to eat anything. In fact, counting calories is also very important as a way of fattening the body.

Because with counting calories, you will be able to see any development of weight gain that you do.
  • Increase Protein Intake

Macronutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, and fats, are very important to maintain your body's energy.

And protein, is a macronutrient that is very important in the process of protein synthesis. Obviously, this is very good for GROWTH & RECOVERY muscles of your body.

With rapid recovery and maximum muscle growth, then you'll get the results you want.

Food sources of protein you can consume include meat, fish, and eggs. It would be better if you add a protein in a protein shake before bed to speed up your recovery.

  • Do not Fear Being Fat

Perhaps you are familiar with a thin body. But if you really intend to muscle-building program, then you should be prepared that the levels of fat in your body will increase.

When the surplus calories, then you can increase body weight. Increased body weight is expected from the increase in muscle mass.
  • Add Gainers

Gainer weight gain or milk is the best friend for you.

Gainer is a supplement containing high calories and protein that can help you gain extra muscle mass and makes your body is always in an anabolic state.

In addition to high-calorie, Gainer also contains amino acids, vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, and fats is certainly very supportive program to gain weight.

What are the benefits gainer?
  1. Increase Weight and Muscle Mass you.
  2. Meet the Needs of Your Nutrition.
  3. as a Source of Energy.

While you understand the importance of adding gainer on your program, then immediately get the best gainer this product before you fail to get your desired weight.

  • Sample Diet Can You Apply

- 1 egg omelette or boiled eggs
- 3 slices of whole wheat bread / 1 cup oatmeal

Morning Snack
- 2 slices whole wheat bread / 1 cup oatmeal
- 1 apple / citrus / pear

- 150-250gram chicken breast / fish / beef
- 100-150gram brown rice
- 100gram vegetables

afternoon Snack
- 2 slices whole wheat bread / 1 cup oatmeal
- Milk is high in calories and protein (weight gainer)

before Exercise
- 1 banana

after Exercise
- Milk is high in calories and protein (weight gainer)

- 150gram chicken breast / fish / beef
- 80gram brown rice
- 100gram vegetables

Note: Time to consume the menu above is not binding, can be adjusted for the exercise in the morning. The important thing is try to eat 5-6x a day in small portions, in order to increase your metabolism.


After applying the appropriate diet for weight gain program, let alone how fattening the body can you do?

Of course, is to do a sport or exercise.

Do not just think practice is only for those who wish to lose weight, it is also necessary for those who want to add weight.

  • Perform Compound Exercises

You must already be familiar with this exercise. Yes, compound exercises are exercises that involve many muscle groups and joints.

Since many muscles involved in one workout, then this exercise is ideal as a way to fatten your weight.

Barbell bench press for example. This exercise is very popular as a form of exercise for the chest muscles. Additionally, the bench press exercise also targets the triceps, core, and also your deltoid.

If you want to IMMEDIATELY get the ideal body, make sure you include compound exercises in your workout activity.

  • Do not exercise Excess

Exercise is so primary key muscle-building program. Even so, the exercises also do not have to do every day.


If you continue to practice every day with the hope of increasing muscle mass quickly, precisely this could be a hindrance to your program.

Exercise every day, you'll catch overtraining so that muscle growth is inhibited. Please also provide break time for your muscles to recover and grow.

Often recommended amount is 3-5 times a week workout.

  • Do Too Much Cardio Exercise

Both weight training and cardio training is needed in the process of muscle building.

Especially cardio exercise, you should not too often do cardio let alone do it with high intensity.

The more exercise you do, the more calories are burned. If a calorie deficit is the case, then the weight gain is inhibited, can even lower your weight.

After diet and exercise, then the other things that need to be done is adequate rest and supplementation are telling as a way of fattening the body.

Although not the main, quite important supplement to help you get the results you want. Because the supplement is to support the results of the exercise and diet that you do.

For now, you may forget completely the other products on the market. The quality is not standard makes it too difficult to imagine the result.


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