Tuesday, May 3, 2016


Imagine if you could scrape your body fat more quickly than the conventional ways that you have been doing.

Reduce the time to eat, run for hours, or even not eating and drinking, is the way that makes the conventional diet of fat in your body is hard to go and make your pain.
Well, as the development time, researchers from around the world managed to find the right formula scrape the stubborn fat in your body. In fact, this way is easier and safer than the conventional way you normally do. Anything?

Grab Bag Get rid of Fat
Next time if you want to walk around the block housing, do not forget to wear your backpack. Fill the bag with a load of 20 percent of your body weight. A report of the American College of Sports Medicine found that this method can burn fat up to 30 percent.
Walking with a stick in each hand also provides multiple benefits for you. You will be longer, the pressure on the waist decreases and your energy will increase by 67 percent, as reported in the Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research.

When the Cold Weather Exercise
During cold weather exercise can help burn more fat. Scientists at the University of Gothenburg discovered, while exercising in cold weather, carry brown fat calories from fat layer so that the layer of fat was reduced.
"All that you can get with just a 4 minute workout at a temperature of 4 degrees Celsius," explained Professor Mike Cawthorne of the University of Buckingham.
Another study at the University of Nottingham found that exercise during hot weather also activate brown fat.

Stomach Sixpack with Simply Sleep
Studies conducted over 5 years at Wake Forest University in the US found that between 6-7 hours of sleep per night is the best time to reduce fat in the abdomen.
"Give yourself a pause time of 3 hours since you complete the exercises in the gym up to the bed," said Dr Louise Reyner in Loughborough Sleep Research Center.
"The exercise will stimulate the production of adrenaline also affects the quality of sleep," he added.

Burn Fat in 134 Heartbeats / Minute
Research at the University of Colorado found that someone training with the maximum heart rate 134 heartbeats / minute can burn more fat.
Running is the best exercise because it can burn 0.7 grams of fat per minute, according to the findings of the University of Cape Town. The best way to determine your heart rate during exercise is to use a heart rate monitor.

Lifting More Explosive
The team of researchers at Ball State University states that when you lift weights, the best way to scrape the fat is by doing explosive movements, namely lifting weights in 1 second and down in 3 seconds.
They also claimed that lower body exercises such as; squats, lunges, and calf raises, is the best exercise to try this explosive techniques. The researchers recommend to drink a glass of fat-free milk after a training session is completed.
Consumed 600ml of fat-free milk after exercise to burn fat is almost two times more than consume fitness drinks.

interval Training
The study by a team of researchers at the University of New South Wales Australia found that 8 seconds of high intensity exercise followed by 12 seconds of low intensity is an effective way to cut body fat.
"Use the elliptical trainer or stationary bike while doing this technique (interval)," said Mack Parnell of Rebootpt.co.id.
"Make use 40-50 percent of your maximum strength. Repeat as much as 20 minutes twice a week to burn fat even more, "he added.

Spot 5 x Day
"To burn more calories, eat 5 small meals per day," said researchers at the University of Toronto. 3 diet should contain a combination of protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats.
Choose a menu of healthy and low in calories in your meal. Boiled eggs and wheat bread could be the right choice for breakfast. For lunch you can snack snack nuts or fruit. Adjust Similarly to other meal times.
Target 70 percent protein for every diet you consume, either from fish, meat, or fruit and vegetables.

Slim with 25mg of Vitamin D
The study, conducted by a team of researchers at the University of Minnesota found that increasing vitamin D intake can help you lose weight.
"Foods rich in vitamin D are salmon," says nutritionist Anita Bean. "100g salmon fillet contains 25mg of vitamin D," he said.
"Complete with healthy seasonings such as garlic, lemon and salad plus a combination of vinegar. Add to this olive oil (olive oil) to enhance the body's ability to burn fat.
"This food is a source of antioxidants to neutralize harmful chemicals which can lead to weight gain," said Bean.


Here's How To Exercise Fitness True, given the many people who failed in fitness because does not know how to correct Fitness.

Often though fitness exercise but not accompanied by knowledge of fitness, he got not a beautiful body, but rather stiff and tired. As someone who wants to visit a street, should definitely know the way, if not the only person going astray.

Yesterday already discussed Exercise Fitness To Lose Weight, but after I created the article, I had thought that the step-step Fitnes True more importantly I would like to advance the truth, so I delayed making this article, but not what it is, than not created equal once.

Here's how fitness is right that you should consider before practicing total:
  • Perform overall in terms of look for a gym that has a complete tool for the entire body so you are required to train all the muscles of the body you doing on schedule for 5-6 months. Try not until you have muscular arms and chest were athletic but your feet are not in accordance with the upper body. If imaginable will definitely look funny, because the upper body portion stocky lower body visible but not muscular.
  • Do it gradually compute load and start from light load. Avoid using heavy burden directly, because it is very harmful to your muscles, so starting from a light load and then gradually to the heavier load. Most likely if you use direct load weight.
  • Use the proper way by using tools and load as needed you do not force your muscles through weight that is too heavy to excess it can cause injury to your muscles.
  • Do it gradually in the sense progressively increase the load and the more strenuous exercise eg in the first set to do 15 times with a load of 5 kg and then rest your muscles after it started again with 10 times using a weight of 7 kg and so on.
  • Cardio take your time for this at least 30 minutes in tredmil did cardio two times a week can help you burn fat and good for heart health fitness balance it with you.
  • A diet even if you should exercise routine in your food is not known yet confirmed your training will not provide maximum results so watch what you eat stay away from foods that contain high carbohydrate high levels of sugar and fried foods
  • Make a healthy lifestyle for a healthy lifestyle

It's probably just the way Exercise Fitness True you need to consider, though seem trivial, but it was very influential success or not you doing fitness.
Keep the spirit, doing fitness as possible, until you feel the results.


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