Tuesday, May 3, 2016

You want to know how fitness is good and right? You want to start practicing fitness but confused where to start? You want to start doing weight training that is true, but do not know where to start? You are desperate to enter the gym, or a gym, and you do not know how to use fitness equipment in there? No need to worry. Read this article to complete, and you will get answers to these questions.

On this occasion, I will explain the basic rules to start doing fitness program whatever your goal; whether it's to add strength, lose weight, increase muscle, or just improve the vitality of the body. Whatever your goal, this article will help you start a fitness exercise in a way that is good and right.

If you often fail when dieting or cardio exercise, then try to do strength training (strength training). Strength training provides results far faster and far more optimal than diet or cardio exercises. 

Consistent exercise (over two times each week, for twelve weeks) can provide the following benefits:
  • Increase the size of the muscle fibers;
  • Increase the contractile muscle strength;
  • Increasing the power of veins;
  • Increase the strength of ligaments.

Can hardly wait to see how fitness is good and right? Read this article to completion, practice all the techniques described in this article, and you'll get the perfect body in no time.

Some Fitness Exercise Etiquette in Gym
  • First, always bring a towel when practicing in a gym or fitness center. Use the towel to wipe the fitness equipment you've used recently.
  • Make sure you put the dumbbell or barbell that is over you wear into place, in order of severity. Do not let you put it carelessly, so as to make people want to wear it then becomes a loss to find a dumbbell or a barbell with a weight he needed.
  • Do not extend the time you spend in wearing a fitness tool, when you know someone is waiting to use the same tools. If possible, practice alternating with the person. The trick, first you do a set of exercises. And submit tool for the person to do the exercises for one set anyway. Then, you can practice as much as one set. And so on. The key is good communication. Most people would want to do so, as long as you ask politely and respectfully.
  • Leave your communications tools in a locker, or in a vehicle. Mobile phone or smartphone you will only disrupt your focus and concentration. Get rid of all of it during the on-going exercise.
Some Common Mistakes to Avoid in Exercise Fitness
  • For starters, do not directly practice tool wear too heavy, which is not in accordance with the ability of your body. Always start training with a lightweight tool, or at least according to your ability. If after completion of the first exercise your body feels pain, it could be you wear a tool that weighs exceeds the capabilities of your body. If you continue reckless force that weighs tool wear exceeds the ability, your body can be injured. Muscle group you are targeting in practice sessions would not be able to develop optimally.
  • Conversely, do not also use the tools that are too light. If you just play it safe, the results would not be maximal. The muscles of your body will not develop as you would expect. Use heavy that if you can lift for 10-20 times. After some time, increase its weight little by little. Only in this way the muscles in your body can develop well.
  • Perform reps too fast. The muscles in your body will not grow if you lift weights too fast. Lift up the weight slowly. Try not to be too slow. By lifting the weight slowly, the muscles in your body will develop slowly but surely. You will also reduce the risk of injury.
  • Resting too quickly, or rest too long. Both are not good for the development of your body. During breaks in the break between sets recommended is between 30-90 seconds. With the rest in the right time on a regular basis, your body will become conditioned to always fit.

How Fitnes Good and True

Guide to Exercise This
The exercise is designed to achieve wellness and overall health and maximum. Gym workout is designed for beginners who have never been to fitness at all, and also for those already skilled in this field.
Most of these exercises wearing fitness equipment engine manifold. It was deliberately designed for beginners who parts his joints still less powerful. Another aim, so that the exercise could be more stable in terms of gestures. If you start with lifting weights, wearing fitness equipment type "free weight" such as dumbbells and barbells, you can get injured because the movement is not stable.
Use the machine to make parts of the body weak get strong enough support. Gym machine also makes muscles that are focused to be trained to become strong enough, before you later decide to practice to wear a "free weight."

Here's a guide to this fitness exercise:
  • Do exercises at least two times each week. Strength and fitness was significant only will you get to do the exercises twice a week.
  • Take one day off in between days of training.
  • For best results, do a set that contains at least 8-12 reps. Remember, always use a load that is not too light and not too heavy.
  • To get the perfect body shape, two sets (each consisting of 8-12 reps) should be carried out until your muscles are no longer able to continue. If your muscles are exhausted, do rest for 30-90 seconds.
  • Do not lift weights too fast. One reps least you can do for 4-5 seconds. Do it slow and steady.
  • Rest minimum of 30 seconds each set of exercises. Not more than 90 seconds. Take breaks between each exercise for 1 to 2 minutes.

How Fitnes Good and True for Beginners

heating Cardiorespiratory

Cardiorespiratory related to the heart, lungs, and blood vessels. Which became the focus of the exercise is the heart and respiratory system.
Warm up for 5-10 minutes cardiorespiratory moderate intensity. You can use a treadmill or elliptical trainer. If you like, you also can do simple exercises such as walking, or doing jump rope. The focus of this warming is to train the large muscles, increase blood flow, and heat up the muscles.

Weight Training
leg Press

Sit on the leg press machine. Put both your feet tapping footing leg press machine. Keep the same width as your shoulders. Hold the handle grips, or the side of the chair. Bend your knees, and lower weight on the foot as far as possible. Try to position your hips are not changed.
Remember, do not lower the burden too much so as to make you curl your hips off the chair. Then, slowly, push the load. Use the power of which is concentrated in the heel. Do not use the power of the toes. When the load has reached the highest position, do not "lock" your knees. Having arrived at its farthest, lower back load slowly. You can vary the position of your feet to make a variation of the angle of the muscles.

leg Extension

The next exercise is to use the leg extension machine. There are several things you should consider. First, sit down and find the most comfortable position. Adjust footing (pad) and / or the seat so that your knees hang. Footrest should be in the lower part of the shin. Hold the handle firmly, and make sure your hips are not lifted as the exercise progresses.
Now, move your feet, up to your knees straight. Make sure your sitting position remained flat. You can add to the load slowly. Key position for a few seconds, hold briefly, then slowly return the leg to the starting position. Do it for a few reps. This exercise will make your muscles develop rapidly. Remember, do not swing the load. The truth is lifting slowly. A rocking motion will not give the maximum effect on your body muscles.

Lying Leg Curls

Position your body in a state of lying face down. Face down. Associate your heel on the ground rollers (roller pad). Position your legs should be straight. Keep footing (pad) was in the back of your ankle. Grasp the handle firmly in order to position your body has not changed for the exercise progresses.
Make sure the machine is in the stomach flat. Slowly, lift your legs until your hamstrings muscles to contract fully. Hold briefly, then lower the load slowly back to the starting position. Again, do not perform a rocking motion. Lift up with your leg strength slowly.

Seated Leg Curl

Perform movements such as the instructions contained in the seated leg curl machine.

Wide-Grip Lat Pull Down

To begin the exercise using this machine, position your legs just below the kneepad (footing for the knees). Your feet should be flat on the floor. Grasp the handles firmly. Pull the handle down. Position the handles in front of your chest. Bend your back a little bit.
Make sure your elbows remain under the handle. Stop with the position of the bar (rod) just in front of the collarbone. Slowly, return the bar to the starting position. Do not mirikan your body too far. Remember, tensile load using the power of your body.

Machine Bench Press

The use of this machine is the same as a regular bench press exercise, only this time use the machine. Follow the instructions that are usually printed on the machine of your choice. Be sure to perform each repetition slowly.

Machine Chest Fly

This tool is also known as the Pec Deck Fly. How to use as follows. Sit on the machine with your back flat on the mat (pad). Position your arm on the lever bearings. Position the upper arm approximately parallel to the floor. Push the lever with both hands simultaneously. Push your chest slowly so depressed in the middle. Return the lever to its original position, until your chest is wide open. Repeat several times.

Triceps pushdown - Rope Attachment

This exercise is basically exercise the triceps pushdown only with extra hooks a rope. Pull the rope as far as possible, according to the capability of your hand. The goal, so that part of your triceps to contract perfectly. Try to keep your body upright, do not tilt.

Machine Bicep Curl

Follow the instructions printed on the engine you choose. Every gym has a bicep curl machine in a different form.

Machine Shoulder (Military) Press

How to use the same as we use a shoulder press machine.

Ab Crunch Machine

Exercise using this machine as the movement of sit-ups. This machine helps add a load so that the muscles of your body develops the maximum. Read and follow the instructions on the machine that you choose. Be sure to do reps slowly and steadily. Concentrate wear your abdominal muscles to push the load. Meanwhile, make your feet relax.

Air Bike

Lie down in supine. Place your hands behind your head. Raise your legs so your thighs in an upright position. Keep the bottom of your feet facing the floor in parallel. Slowly, curl up and move your left elbow to the right side of the body. Lift your right leg, so that the right knee meets the left elbow. This movement is similar to the movement you do when riding a bike.
The exercises that I show in this article can form the muscles of your body perfectly. Do the above exercises in the same order. It's important for you to do exercises that focused on the largest muscle groups to the smallest muscle groups.

Fitness Correct Procedures

Some additional tips for the results that you get the maximum.
  • Drink plenty of mineral water. Try to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water every day. Do not get dehydrated. Dehydration, or lack of fluids, will make your body weak. As a result, the exercise will not run optimally. During the on-going exercise, try to keep drinking plenty of water.
  • Eat foods with adequate nutrition and balanced. Do not overeat. Keep your body gets protein and carbohydrate intake is sufficient. The point, in order to fit your body back after doing a series of strenuous exercise.
  • Stay away from cigarettes, stay away from alcohol, stay away from drugs, stay away from fast food. All this will only damage your body. Exercises you can do is be useless if you eat it all.
  • Record all things. What you are doing, and what you have done. Noting the development of your body. This will make you know what exercises to do to achieve the goals that you set at the beginning.

Similarly, how fitness is good and right that I can convey. If you have some additional tips, please write in the comment column. If you feel the great benefits after doing a variety of exercises that I recommend, you can also write it in the comments field.


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