Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Do you currently decide to start practicing fitness? Congratulations! You have taken the first step to have a more healthy body and fit. Read More How Fitness - The Most Complete Guide to completion, and you will get into shape in no time.

Many health experts say that the practice (Gym) is a wonder drug. According to experts, fitness can cure various diseases, such as some forms of heart disease. Gym has been proven to prevent and cure people of cancer. Gym can help cure arthritis or rheumatism. In some cases, Gym also has healed people from depression.

In addition, of course we also know that other fitness benefit, which helps you lose weight effectively. Gym is able to make your body become lean and contains solid look.

To get all the benefits of it, of course, there are conditions. Your body must keep moving and moving. This does not mean you have to follow a strict pattern of fitness, time consuming, and in severe levels (although actually it is able to deliver a truly maximum). In fact, you can get the benefits of various types and levels of fitness exercise.

If you want to lose weight, and also have a healthy body, then fitness is the answer. Most importantly, you do regularly fitness and feeling good. Pleasure is the key. If you do something with half-and-half, then the result would not be maximal.

Can not wait to have a healthy body with the ideal form? Through this long article, CaraFitnes.com will help you understand how fitness is good and right for beginners.

Preparation phase

The first thing you should do is to evaluate, Gym shape as what you should do. Are strongly advised to consult first with a doctor, particularly for those who suffer from serious disease and for those who are aged over 45 years. In consultation with a medical expert, you will know how heavy exercise you can do. This will minimize the risk of malicious that may arise.

But in fact, the right fitness exercise almost no risk for anyone with health conditions like anything.

Once you have done the evaluation, the next step is to set goals. For example, if you want to practice three times a week? Do you want to look ideal body shape? Or do you want to lose weight to 10 kilograms? Whatever it is, specify the destination. This will make your workout more focused.

Make sure the destination you create has the following three elements:
  1. Clear
  2. Realistic
  3. Short / No rambling
Please note, however, that the condition of your health, whatever your goals, start any fitness exercise with caution. Starting slowly, the load is not too heavy, and time is not too long. Most beginners make the mistake to start fitness training too aggressively, because it thought that only in that way they will get instant results. When finally their bodies ache, fatigue, or even injured, they finally gave up.

Most of the starters I encountered surrendered for exercise too much in the early phase. After the exhaustion and did not go get the expected results, they suddenly stop practicing. We need to do in the initial phase is habit forming, or habbit. The formation of this habit is a factor of importance. A stone can be perforated for water droplets continuously. Doing fitness exercise as well as the water droplets, which gradually but consistently. The results you get will be maximum.

Remember, nothing is instant in the world. Everything needed process. If you want maximum results and last a long time, do everything slowly. Enjoy your workout.

Term in Fitness

Before starting a fitness exercise at the gym or fitness center, there are some terms you need to know. Here's a list of terms commonly appears on fitness exercise:

Stretching (Stretching)

The type of exercise that aims to improve and strengthen the range of motion of the joint. In general, muscles, tendons, and joints will become shorter over time. This is due to aging, as well as the activity of the body is less active (example: too long working at the computer without ever exercising).

Strength Training (Strength Training)

Some call it weight training, or resistance training. This type of exercise aims to increase strength and muscle function. The focus of this exercise is to strengthen each muscle group. Examples of this type of exercise is weight lifting and push-ups.

Maximum Heart Rate (Maximum Heart Rate)

The maximum heart rate is certainly based on a person's age. Estimated heart rate associated with the maximum age of a person. How do I know your maximum heart rate? Use this formula: 220 minus your age. The result is an estimate of the maximum heart rate. Please note, this is only an estimate.


This term is usually used when we talk about strength training (strength exercise). The purpose of this term is to repeat the same exercise in a certain count number. For example, push-ups 15 times, then rest for a minute. Push-ups 15 times it is called a set.

Reps (repetition), or Rep

The point is repetition. This refers to the amount of movement you perform in a set. In the example set of push-ups on top, we did 15 reps. If you do 15 reps, which means you do 1 set.

Heating (Warm Up)

When doing the exercises, the muscles, joints, and tendons in your body will stiffen. The heating is done to prepare your body before experiencing these tensions. Your body can be heated with light aerobic movements like walking. When you walk for a few minutes, the intensity of the blood flow in your body will increase. In effect, the muscles and joints will heat up. At the end of the warm-up session, is a good thing to do stretching (stretching). Keep in mind, warming up and stretching are two different things. Stretching or stretching included in one motion cooling (cool down).

Refrigeration (Cool Down)

It was a light movement sessions are you doing to cool your body after heavy exercise. For example, after you walk on a treadmill, reduce speed for a few minutes. Walk slowly until your breathing and heart rate back to normal.

Examples of How Fitness For Beginners

Before starting a fitness exercise, it is very important for you to warm up. Similarly do some light stretching exercises. But do not waste your energy on this session. Save your energy for core exercises. Also do not forget to save energy in order to cool down and stretch after the exercise is completed core.

Virtually all health experts stressed the importance of warming up before doing fitness exercise. Heating, according to some health experts, like oil that lubricate the engine of the vehicle. Without oil, the engine will quickly overheat and eventually broken. You certainly do not want your body is damaged, do not you?

After a considerable warming, health experts recommend three types of exercise for your overall fitness exercise. These three types of exercise are: cardiovascular exercise, strength training (strength exercise), and flexibility exercises. These three exercises should not be done at once, but do each of these exercises regularly can make your fitness increases dramatically.

Here's an explanation of the three forms of the exercise in more detail:

1. Cardiovascular Exercise

Start by doing aerobics. Examples of aerobic movement is walking or running. In one session, do at least 20-30 minutes. Perform aerobic exercise 4-5 times a week. Make sure you practice hard enough. There are ways to tell if you've been training hard enough, or not. The trick is, sing while practicing. If you can sing easily, meaning that you do not practice hard enough. Add your exercise intensity.

2. Strength Training (Strength Exercise)

Start by doing one set of exercises that focus on each of the major muscle groups. Do not use a load that is too heavy. Burden could risk making your muscles hurt. Use the load that fits to your body. How do I measure it? Use the load you can lift as much as eight to twelve times in one set. If you want to increase the portion of practice, do not add dramatically. Add gradually, both in terms of weight, number of repetitions, or the number of sets. To optimize the results will be, do strength training at least twice a week.

3. Flexibility Exercises

Many health experts recommend stretching, slow, static, and continuing for three to seven days each week. Try to perform each stretch for ten to thirty seconds.

If you are in doubt whether the movement of the exercise you are doing is correct, please hire a personal trainer. Do not be too long, just one or two sessions only. Some fitness centers provide free coaching sessions when you have just joined. Take this opportunity to learn the basic movements. Furthermore, you can develop yourself in various ways, such as read tips and tutorials on this CaraFitnes.com website.

How Fitnes at Home

Gym should not be done in the gym. You can do it in your home comfortable. You also do not need to buy expensive fitness equipment. You can do exercises that nourish your body with heavy use. Exercise is meant is the squat (squat), the knee bends, sit-ups and push-ups. If you have a little money, it is advisable to purchase fitness equipment that is affordable to your pocket. This will make the training more effective.

If you prefer to fitness at home, some health experts advise buying home fitness equipment below:


This is a home fitness equipment that is most in demand. This tool is great for cardiovascular exercise. If you choose to practice wearing this tool, start with a low intensity for 30 minutes. Do a "test sing." If you can sing easily, meaning the intensity of your workout is still lacking. Add slowly until you start panting and difficulty in singing.

Fitness Equipment "Free Weight"

Fitness equipment are included in this category are barbells and dumbbells. In general, the difference between these two tools is, longer than the barbell dumbbell. For beginners, it is advisable to wear a dumbbell. There are types of adjustable dumbbells that weigh. This dumbbell can use if you're new to fitness training.

Strength Training Equipment (Strength) Other

Included in this category is the weight stack (shaped plates with cables and pulleys), flexible rod, and a flexible band. Some experts say that the flexible band is great for beginners, because usually provided instructions are easy to understand on this instrument. However, the use of this tool for the long term is not recommended. In a long time, the muscles of your body will adapt to this tool. You'll need another tool that is more challenging.

Stability Ball or Swiss Ball, or Exercise Ball

While these tools with user guide, but many experts recommend for beginners to avoid the use of this tool. If used incorrectly, then the consequences would be fatal for the body. If you can not maintain balance, it is probably for a very big fall. As a result, the body can bruise and injury. If you are interested in doing the exercises wearing these tools, learn how to use them well. Use of good will give a very nice effect on your body.

Video Training Fitnes

There are lots of fitness training videos that you can watch for free on YouTube. You can also buy several fitness DVDs are usually sold at a gym or fitness center. If you choose to watch video fitness exercise, make sure you watch it first to complete. Do not until you try to follow the instructions, when you have not watch until the end of the video. Why should it be to finish first? At least we could observe the structure and form of exercise appropriately. For maximum results, it is advised to exercise in front of the mirror. The goal, for each form of exercise we can do it right. If there is no mirror, you can ask the people closest to watching every move you make.

Thus tips and a brief tutorial on how fitness. Hope this article helps you get the body you desire. Congratulations to practice


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