Tuesday, May 3, 2016

You want to have a healthy body with perfect shape, but you do not want to go to a fitness center or gym. Maybe you do not have much free time, or you feel the price that must be paid is too expensive. Perhaps you feel uncomfortable practicing in a public place like that. Perhaps you recently signed up as a member of a gym, but the busy work of making you do not have time to visit the gym. There was no other choice, you can only do it at home. But you do not know, how fitness in the house is good and right?
Can Gym at home gives the same result as when we practice in the gym?
The answer, of course it could. Many exercise physiologist and health experts highly recommend Gym at home, especially for those who are busy. Reality faced today are almost all people do not have time to go to the gym every day.
Though a less healthy lifestyle, the food is full of preservatives, and the pollution we breathe everyday has the potential to cause disease in later life. Gym is one way to prevent our bodies from disease. That's the biggest reason why health experts recommend to fitness at home.
How to keep the results are the same as when we practice in the gym? The key is consistency. If done correctly, it is possible we can get better results than when practicing in the gym. Practicing in the gym without a regular schedule, in a way that is not true will only be a waste of time.
Another key after consistency is made fitness as a lifestyle. Make fitness as a routine. Take the time, place, and effort to do fitness every day. If you feel able to do this, then the ideal body that you would get in a short time.

Many health experts say that to design an effective fitness program at home does not require much effort and money. You can do an effective fitness program with simple fitness equipment. Some fitness equipment recommended is fit ball, push-up bars, dumbbell, and so forth. Such tools are enough to train all the major muscle groups in your body.
If you feel too heavy to buy these tools, no need to worry. Even without any tools or machines Gym you can still build muscle and burn calories effectively. As long as you know how, your dream will become a reality within a relatively short time.
To start the fitness exercise without tools, many physiologists mention that the most effective exercise is brisk walking, abdominal exercises and push-ups. It is some way of fitness at home are quite simple.
If you want to know the various ways other Gym, continue to read this article until the end.

How Fitnes at Home
5 Elements Fitness

According to some health experts, an effective fitness program has five elements. The good news, the Five Elements you can do yourself at home.
Gym five elements are:

  1. Heating.
  2. Cardiovascular exercise (aerobic).
  3. Resistance training (strength training).
  4. Exercise flexibility.
  5. Cooling (cool down).

Heating can easily do by means as simple as walking outside the house, or walking on a treadmill. You can also warm up the bike fitness wear, or more popularly known as a stationary bike. If you choose to wear heating fitness bike, you can do so at a slow pace. Do not be too quick in the beginning of the heating. Do not get out of breath before you enter the core exercises.
For cardiovascular exercise, you can do so in a way that is equally simple. Examples such as running faster. If you choose to use fitness bike, you can pedal with a little more quickly. You can also do aerobics while watching video guide aerobic widely available on the market, or do jump rope. Basically, do whatever you like. The purpose of this exercise is to make your heart beat faster.

Resistance exercise you can do with a few simple movements such as squats (squats), sit-ups and push-ups. If there is, you can also use dumbbell small size, or weight bar. Whichever you like, just do the exercises regularly. The result would you feel later on.
Increase the flexibility of your body by stretching on the floor, or doing yoga. At the end of the training session, the movement of cool down or cooling should be similar to the movements you do during heating. If when you do the road slowly warm up on the treadmill, at the time of cooling you should do the same. Some health experts contend, cardiovascular exercise at low levels can get your heart rate back to normal, that is, back to a resting state.
Be sure to warm up and cool every time you do fitness at home. Both things are equally important. You will not get the maximum results if you miss two elements. Skipping one of which is also not a good thing.
If one day you lack the time to exercise, try to keep practicing fitness. Busyness should not be a reason not to fitness. Remember, to get maximum results, make fitness as a lifestyle. You have to do it every day, whether you have time or do not have time.
If you only have a little time, increase the intensity of exercise time. If on a normal day you train for 60 minutes, and now you only have time no more than 20 minutes, do exercise harder. Try to force themselves during the twenty minutes. If in regular days you do jogging relax, do a quick run. Thus, fitness training will continue to make a positive impact on your body.
You can increase the intensity of strength training (strength workout) by conducting joint exercises. What is a joint exercise? This is an exercise that focuses on several muscle groups at the same time.
For example, you could do squats (squat), either with or without a load, which trains the quadriceps, hamstrings, buttocks, and calves. Then do push-ups involving chest muscles, deltoids, biceps, triceps, and even abdomen and upper back.
If you have trouble making fitness exercise program itself, there are many fitness videos scattered on the internet. Some videos require you to pay before they can watch it, and some videos available for free on video sharing sites such as YouTube. On sites like YouTube, you will not only get a video about fitness training. You can even learn kickboxing, belly dancing and break dancing. You can also find a video or a book contains a fitness training at the local bookstore. Among the various options, be sure to choose an exercise program that best matches your current health level.

Started Fitness Exercise at Home

If you are a beginner, try to do cardiovascular exercise for thirty minutes. Do it at least three times a week. For strength training, doing at least 20 to 30 minutes in one session. Do it three times a week. Make sure you've been strength training covers all the major muscle groups in the upper body, lower body, stomach and back. For each strength exercise, do three sets consisting of 10-15 reps.
Whatever type of exercise you do, make sure you start slowly. Increase exercise slowly, both in terms of duration of exercise, and intensity of exercise. Do not forget to pay attention to your body.
Focus on the muscles that you think should be more focused. You should be able to feel every exercise you do. If you train your stomach but you feel the pressure in the neck, then your workout is not quite right. Close your eyes, and start to feel your body.
If you choose a gym at home, it is very important to keep motivated. You should know the things that can motivate you to continue practicing.
Gym at home has several advantages. But there are also some disadvantages that are ready deter you have a dream body. Disruption of telephone, children, internet, terlevisi, even refrigerators can derail your workout at any time. If you are at home, it would be very easy to forget about exercise and do other things that you think should be done immediately. Once or twice, you understand. Long, eventually your fitness program stopped midway.
Some experts have suggested doing fitness exercise in the morning. This is the most appropriate way to stay motivated, while avoiding a variety of disorders. According to studies and surveys conducted by the American Council of Exercise, people who exercise in the morning are usually more able to be consistent in doing fitness program.

Many experts advise to make fitness exercise as the first thing you do in the morning. Make it as routine. Initially may be heavy, but after a long time you will get used. This will be very beneficial for your body.

How Fitnes at Home True

Health experts give a few other tips for you who prefer to fitness at home. Tips include:
  • During the practice, boredom definitely came over. No matter how much your commitment boredom surely come a time. To avoid boredom in practice, try to always give a challenge to yourself. Always looking for the latest fitness movement, or the latest fitness methods and apply that you find particularly challenging. How do I find the latest fitness movement? You can buy your favorite fitness magazine and saw some article that addresses this issue. You can also surf the internet to find a fitness program that you have never tried so far. Alternatively.  There are many fitness programs attract a decent try at home.
  • Find a partner in the practice. If at any time you feel lazy to practice, there will be friends who remind your main motivation in fitness training. If you practice alone, you will tend to find excuses to stop practicing. These partners can be anyone. Husband, wife, children, relatives, neighbors, anyone. The important thing you and your partner have a clear motivation and commitment. You and your partner should also remind each other if one looks lackluster in practice.
  • Create a workout schedule. Plan each exercise you will do. Grab a calendar and a memo, then write your exercise plan within one month. If something happens and you have to change one or two training sessions, done immediately reschedule as soon as possible.
  • As I have written in previous articles, always use a journal to record your progress. Write any breakthroughs you might do in each workout session. When you feel lazy and decided not to practice, write it anyway. This can be helpful at a later date to determine the schedule that is more suitable for you. Noting the things that make your mood down or up to practice. For example, if you eat the egg whites in the morning, then go straight up your mood. It is important to keep the mood is always stable. So that the ideal body that you desire can you get faster.
  • Set your goals in practice. Do you want to have six pack abs? Do you want to lose weight by 10 kilograms? Create objectives as detailed and specific as possible. Your goal should be realistic. Objectives that are likely able to achieve in a certain time span. Unrealistic goals will lead you to disappointment. If you make something specific achievement, give a gift to yourself. Yes, no matter how small achievement. This prize could be the latest fitness magazines, the latest fitness clothing that you seek, or a new pair of sneakers.
  • Get enough rest, stop smoking, stop drinking alcohol, eating nutritious balanced meals. Only that way you can get the body shape you desire in a short time. If you do fitness but still have a poor lifestyle, then this is like the sea salt. Futile. Do not get the time and energy you spend your hard-earned to be in vain. Stop bad habits, and have a healthy lifestyle from now on.
  • These tips are the most important among other tips. Make fitness exercise as an important part of your life, such as eating and sleeping. Attain your body is in desperate need fitness. You have to have the mindset that the fitness program you are living now is a lifestyle change. Change for the better. That is, your fitness program has no end. Just like eating, drinking and sleeping, your fitness activity that ended when death approached. If you think that a health or fitness need only be done within a month, a year, or within a certain time, then change your mindset. Make fitness as an integral part of your life.

Thus engrossed guide how fitness at home. Hope this article is useful, and we hope you can get the ideal body that you desire in the shortest time possible. Until meet in the articles how the next fitness, and good practice!


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