Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Eliminate fat in the abdomen may be the most difficult step, especially for you bodied endomorph. But that does not mean it can not be done. Find out how here.

Having excess fat deposits in the body certainly can interfere with your confidence. Daily activities you can also hampered due to this problem.

In addition, excess fat deposits in your body also increases the risk of health problems, such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.

Potential easy to store body fat will be higher especially if you include the endomorph body type? Like what the body type?


What it Endomorph?

Endomorphs is one of three types of the human body. The other two are the body type and Mesomorph Ectomorph.

In general, you have endomorph body tends EASY to gain muscle mass. Also, it usually has broad shoulders and has a stocky body shape.

Perhaps it is easy to increase muscle mass is a good thing for those who want to have a muscular body shape.

What needs to be understood as well is, endomorph body type is not only easy to add muscle mass, but also VERY EASY to add fat.

This is because the endomorph body type usually have a slow metabolism that is so difficult to shed fat.

Because it is easy to gain weight, so the potential to accumulate fat is also higher.

  • Saving Easy Fat

As mentioned earlier, for those who endomorph body type, is not only easy to add muscle mass, but also very easy to store fat. Especially in the midsection or stomach.

What happens then?

If so, then the potential for obesity and even obesity can also be higher.

Do not want this to happen to you right? To that end, balanced with exercise or workout routine and also set up a healthy diet.

  • Have a Wide Waist

Because easily store fat, especially in the abdomen, then this can also affect your waistline.

Keep going, how to get rid of belly fat?

Although it is quite difficult, but not necessarily eliminate belly fat you can not do. How?


Although very easy to store fat, you who were endomorph should not be discouraged.

Many are also fitness mania that originated from endomorph body and have been transformed with a more athletic body. What SIMPLE KEY in the process?

The most important way is by adjusting the diet (diet).

  • Increase Protein Intake

It is well known that the protein is very important for your body.

Protein is one of the three macronutrients which aims to keep your body's energy.

Also, protein is essential for Recovery and Development of muscle tissue of your body.

So if you want to burn a pile of excess fat while keeping your muscle mass, then you should increase your daily protein intake.

  • Counting Calories

If you do intend to get rid of fat in the abdomen, then one of the steps you take are wary number of calories in your body.

So what foods are high in calories? The answer is depending on the type of nutrients contained.

In 1 gram of carbohydrate contains 4 calories, 1 gram of protein contains 4 calories and 1 gram of fat contains 9 calories. Therefore, fatty foods such as fried foods should be avoided because of the higher calorie.

Essentially, all food calories to produce energy. However, not all the calories carried him good nutrition.

In fact, there are also foods that contain empty calories (eat containing few calories) such as sugar or ethanol (alcohol in liquor). Both are able to provide energy but no nutrients.

Therefore, wise in choosing a source of calories for your body. If you want to lose weight, it should be the number of calories in no more than the energy you spend.

If excess calories, then your body will store fat easily. Start your calorie count.

  • Do not Fear Fat

Although fatty foods high in calories, it does not mean you necessarily get rid of fat in your diet.

In fact, if your calorie intake from fat, less than 25 percent of it will inhibit weight loss program that you do.

Why obstructed? Due to the lack of fat can interfere with muscle growth and fat-burning hormone production.
In addition, many of the benefits you can get from foods that contain fat:
  • Protecting the immune system
  • Balancing hormone products
  • Helps the absorption of nutrients
  • Helps the body's cells to function optimally

In fact, research done at Georgia Southern University says that a diet high in protein and high in fat can help increase the burning of calories even during rest.

But of course, choose the source of healthy fats. Such as from fish oil (omega 3), eggs, nuts, seeds, avocado or coconut oil.

  • Deficit Calories

Like it or not, if you really intend to eliminate fat in the abdomen, then you require that where a caloric deficit.

However, this condition can also result in that not only complains fat discarded, but also your muscles.

How is the best way?

One way is to restrict caloric deficit itself. Preferably, a calorie deficit per day you only reach 150-200 calories.

For example the best diet to lose weight, you can download this FREE ebook now.

As you continue reading until the end of this ebook, it makes you understand what kind of diet that lets you lose weight.


After understanding the diet to lose weight, it's time for you to do the following important factors, exercise.

It is no secret that sport or exercise is how SIMPLE trim excess fat deposits. This also applies for those who have endomorph body type.

Exercises included because its function is the main way to burn fat in your body.

The most recommended for those who want to get rid of belly fat is weight training and cardio exercises.

1. Weight Training

Weight training is one type of exercise to develop strength makes heavy use of gravity.

It is intended to oppose the force generated by muscle through concentric or eccentric contraction.
How weight training can be said to be successful?

Weight training will succeed depends on several aspects. As the frequency, intensity, duration and type of exercise.

Very overcast weight training program you who want to eliminate fat in the abdomen. Weight training itself aims to build up the muscles of your body.

If the muscles more and more, the fat-burning process will also increase.

Remember, weight training also should not be done in the gym yes. Weight training can also do at home only to capitalize dumbbell or kettlebell, or using your own body weight loads (bodyweight training).

Examples motion weight training you can do such as;

A. Flat Barbell Press

Implementation Phase:
  • Sleeping position parallel with the bench press bench
  • Both feet flat floor
  • Back flat on the bench, there is no gap
  • Position the arm holding the dumbbell straight in front of the chest
  • Lower the dumbbell up to elbows at shoulder level with our forearm vertical position
  • Inhale while lowering weight and exhale when lifting loads

B. Lat Pull Down

Implementation Phase:
  • Sitting position with thighs associated in pads
  • The foot parallel to the floor
  • Backs up straight and holding hands on the handlebar nearly edge
  • Position the arm slightly bent at the elbow pointing down
  • Stang pulled down with elbow position remains parallel to the shoulder (not over the back of the shoulder)
  • Inhale while lowering weight and exhale the breath while lifting weights

C. Side Dumbbell Lateral Raise

Implementation Phase:
  • Sitting position with thighs associated in pads
  • The foot parallel to the floor
  • Backs up straight and holding hands on the handlebar nearly edge
  • Position the arm slightly bent at the elbow pointing down
  • Stang pulled down with elbow position remains parallel to the shoulder (not over the back of the shoulder)
  • Inhale while lowering weight and exhale the breath while lifting weights

D. Standing Leg Curl

Phase exercising:
  • Position stand on the leg curl machine
  • The hand holding the handle provided
  • Position the pads on the back foot
  • Agency attached to the pads provided with your back straight and looking ahead
  • One foot raised up to the flexed knee pads while the other leg remains motionless
  • Inhale while lowering weight and exhale the breath while lifting weights
  • Do the same for the other foot

E. Side Crunch

Implementation Phase:
  • Sleeping position corresponding image
  • Thigh right leg attached to the floor and knees bent into
  • The left foot is in front of the right knee
  • The position of the right hand stretched straight to the right
  • The position of the left hand is on the side of the head
  • The position of the head fall
  • Stomach bent toward the front
  • Exhale as relax and exhale the breath during contractions

F. Center Crunch

Implementation Phase:
  • Lying on your back with legs elevated to the bench
  • Both hands are on the side of the head
  • Walking sealed
  • Bend the abdomen with waist remains motionless
  • Inhale and exhale the breath during sleep when bending the stomach

  • Exercise above is an example. You can do the exercises with other variations.
  • Wherever possible use a uniform weight training with reps of 10-12.
  • In one training session, preferably large muscles get 9-12 core set, while a small muscle core set 6-8.
  • At the end of the exercise load constant add cardio training to keep your heart rate at the rate 65-70% of MHR (Max Heart Rate).

2. Cardio Exercise

Cardio exercise must already be very familiar to you lovers of fitness.

Cardio exercises are also commonly called aerobic because it can make the heart beat faster and increases blood circulation.

Even so, the exercise is also known for its ability to reduce the levels of excess fat in the body.

The easiest cardio exercise you do is by running, jogging, swimming, or bersepda. If you practice in the gym, you can do cardio with the treadmill or stationary bike.

But keep in mind, the lack of proper cardio exercise can also inhibit the development of your muscles. In fact, not only the fats are burned by your body, but also the muscles that will certainly affect the performance of your body to burn fat.


Adjust your diet (diet) and exercise, both weight training and cardio exercise, are the two main aspects when you intend LOWER BODY WEIGHT.

However, to support the results of the exercise and your diet, make sure you also get enough rest. That's because at rest, your body muscles recover and grow.

Not only rest, another aspect that should also notice is supplementation.

Supplementation you need if indeed daily nutrition your body has no or insufficient from the daily diet.

For example, your daily protein needs up to 120 grams. But the food is real food you can only get 80 grams. Then the lack of 40 grams that you could get through supplementation.

So what's the importance of eliminating the program supplements for stomach do you do?

If a sufficient nutritional needs can make your workout more intense and powerful that your exercise performance will be maximal. If so, the more muscle fibers are formed and the effect is the burning of body fat becomes the maximum.

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