Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Too little exercise, consumption of fast food or too much food most of us know this is the cause of obesity. The cause of obesity is complex as genetic factors, biological, behavioral and cultural. Basically, obesity occurs when a person eats more calories than the calories burned by the body is capable of. If one parent is obese, a 50 percent chance that their children will also be obese. However, when both parents obese, the children have a 80 percent chance of becoming obese. Although certain medical disorders can cause obesity, less than 1 percent of all obesity is caused by physical problems. The amount of sleep your child may be just as important, according to a study in the Archives of Disease in Childhood. The researchers found that children who sleep less than the recommended amount by age 2 more likely to be obese at age 7 years.

The following causes of overweight or obesity in children:

  • Poor diet
  • Eating or snacking too much
  • lack of exercise
  • Family history obese
  • Medical illnesses (endocrine, neurological problems)
  • Drugs (steroids, some psychiatric medications)
  • Stress above events or changes (separation, divorce, moving environment, death, abuse)
  • Problems with family or friends
  • Inferiority complex
  • Depression or other emotional problems

Risks that may result from obesity in children include:

  • Increased risk of heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Breathing problems
  • Sleep problems

Children and adolescents who are obese also have a higher emotional problems. Teens with weight problems tend to have low self-confidence and self-conscious with their peers. Besides feelings of depression, anxiety and obsessive compulsive disorders can also occur.

How to deal with the problem of obesity in children ..?

obese children need a thorough medical evaluation by a pediatrician or family to consider the possibility of physical causes. In the absence of a physical disorder, the only way to lose weight is to reduce calorie intake and to increase physical activity like sports etc. Of course this can only happen when there is self-motivation of children and parents. Since obesity often affects more than one family member, making healthy eating and regular exercise a family activity can increase the likelihood of successful weight control children or adolescents.

The way to address obesity in children and adolescents include:

  • Creating a program for weight control
  • Changing eating habits (eat slowly, which will regularly)
  • Controlling diet and select foods that will consume (eat less fatty foods, avoid junk food and fast food)
  • Portion control and consume fewer calories
  • Increase physical activity (especially walking) and a more active lifestyle change
  • Family meals, not while watching television or at the computer
  • Not giving food as a gift
  • Limit snacking

Obesity is often a lifelong problem. Adolescents who are obese should learn to eat healthy food and enjoy a healthy diet in moderate amounts and exercising regularly to maintain the desired weight. The parents of a child can build confidence in their children with an emphasis on children's quality of life rather than just focusing on their weight problems.

Ideal Body Weight on an infant or toddler can be computed which also adjust the sexes, boys and girls are different. According to WHO the so-called ideal weight for age 3 months are included in the range of 5.1 kg - 8.0 kg and for children 3 years was 11.4 kg - 18 kg.

  1. for children under 12 months: IWB= (n: 2) + 4 or (age (months): 2) + 4
  2. for children 1-10 yrs: IWB= (2 x n) + 8 or (2 x age (yr)) + 8


Infants and children aged 2 years and 10 months,
means written with n = 2.10 and
further multiplied by 2 (as the formula 2n)
so the result is 4.20.

These results do not directly coupled to 8,
4.20 construed as 4 years 20 months,

20 months means that 1 year 8 months, so 4 + 1.8 = 5.8

4,20 changed to 5.8, then added with 8.
Ideally then the weight is 13.8 kg.

How To Overcome Obesity In Children Quickly

How to address obesity in children ~ Obesity is a condition where a person's weight exceeds the limits of reasonableness criterion is the adjustment between height and weight. Obesity or being overweight is not only experienced by adults, but children also often experience, the main cause of obesity is the number of calories that enter the body more than the number of calories removed.

Being overweight can lead to many adverse effects to health, many people consider that obese children look healthy and adorable without thinking about the impact of children's health. In addition, children become less active because it is not free to move.

Emerging disease in children due to obesity are:

  • Diabetes, not only experienced by those who have adults only, but can also be suffered by children who are overweight because fat deposition beyond normal limits
  • Hypertension
  • Heart disease

Causes of Obesity
  • Genetic factors
  • Too often consume fast food, snack / snack and junk food
  • Soft drinks or soft drinks
  • Lack of movement

Solutions that can be tried to address obesity in children
  1. chose a healthy diet for your child, such as low-fat milk, meat vegetables and fruit. Avoid fast food like instant noodles, junk food, snacks, sweets and high in fat.
  2. Providing breakfast before leaving for school and brought supplies, in this way, parents can control the intake of nutrients for children.
  3. Change the way to make dishes from scratch the way usually fried be steamed or boiled
  4. Move the child to eat at the table, not in front of the TV or computer screen in front of
  5. Set the rules of time in activities play games, watch videos or use computer. Because for too long they are fun doing it makes them lazy to move
  6. Encourage your child to engage in activities outside the home were associated with physical activity and socializing with his friends, such as swimming, cycling, jogging, badminton, etc.
  7. Choose low-fat dairy and high in calcium for Kids
  8. Do not get follow their will to eat before going to bed, you should give milk and fruit for them as a drag hunger but has no effect on weight gain

Supervision and proper care can solve the problem of obesity in children.


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