Thursday, February 11, 2016

Understanding Anorexia Nervosa

Anorexia nervosa is a health problem in which an infected obsessed to have a thin body and very scared if they look fat self. I was so scared, their bodies are always deemed to be lacking even thin or fat when in fact they do not like it.

Sixteen and seventeen years of age who are considered vulnerable to this disorder to begin to appear, and the majority of anorexia sufferers from among teenage girls and adult women.

To make their bodies as thin as possible, people with anorexia will strive to limit the size of the meal as minimal as possible and exercise excessively. Some of them will even strive brings back food that has been consumed.

Symptoms of anorexia nervosa and other related psychological problems
Those who suffer from anorexia can be recognized from the following symptoms:

  • Weight loss was significantly and looked very thin.
  • Always pay attention to the shape of the body in front of the mirror.
  • Considering the body most of the time.
  • Often brings back food that has been eaten.
  • Like lied when asked whether they had already eaten.
  • Is taking into account the amount of calories, fat and sugar in food.
  • Often exercise excessively.
  • Experiencing health problems as a result of anorexia itself, such as fatigue, dehydration, low blood pressure, dizziness, hair loss and dry skin.
  • Like taking drugs laxatives and appetite suppressant.

The cause of anorexia nervosa
The cause of anorexia nervosa is definitely still unclear. Most specialists believe that the disorder is derived from a combination of a number of factors, such as psychological, environmental, and genetic or biological.

The diagnosis of anorexia nervosa
In diagnosing anorexia nervosa, usually a doctor will ask about weight and eating patterns of patients to determine whether she had an eating disorder. It is important for the patient to answer these questions honestly. Doctors do not intend to judge the patients, but only want to determine the exact condition.

Support anorexia sufferers to want to get help
If you have family or friends who suffer from anorexia, do subtle approach and persuaded to get them to get medical help. Persuading people with anorexia to want treatment is not easy. Usually they will assume that what they have done the right thing and will refuse to admit that they really are in trouble.

That's why patience and continuous support are critical to the healing anorexics. Never criticize or make them feel depressed because it will only worsen the situation. Convey that persuasion and your support is solely due to worrying about their health.

Overview of the treatment of anorexia
Most cases of anorexia are handled on an outpatient basis and a handful of other cases, such as severe cases of anorexia sufferers, was handled with care hospital. In addition to sensitize the people with that pattern of life which they live is wrong, this treatment aims to enable them to obtain the ideal weight back safely.

Things that includes handling of anorexia include psychotherapy and suggestions related to food and nutrition. So that treatment can be done properly, the physician should adjust to the physical, psychological, and social state of the people with anorexia. Treatment of anorexia can not be done instantly. To recover fully, it could take several years.

Complications that may occur
Anorexia can lead to other health problems are quite serious if not treated successfully in the long term. Some complications of anorexia nervosa are:

  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Heart failure
  • Menstruation is not smooth
  • Anemia
  • Kidney failure
  • sterility
  • osteoporosis
  • Constipation
  • Deaths due to malnutrition or suicide

Symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa

Because people with anorexia are obsessed to lose weight as low as possible, the main symptom of this condition is the weight dropped drastically to be below the healthy limit.

In an effort to satisfy their obsession with a very thin body, anorexia sufferers will do a variety of things, including by limiting servings of food, regurgitating food that has been eaten, and lied when asked if they had already eaten.

Anorexics usually always wear loose clothing and regularly measuring, weighing, or observation of their bodies in front cemin. In addition, they will often exercise excessively and taking drugs appetite suppressants or laxatives.

From any of these symptoms, it is clear that anorexia is not just a matter of physical health, but is also associated with psychological problems.

Body weight dissatisfaction will make anorexia sufferers lack self- confidence. They feel that their self esteem is affected by weight. As a result of this self-distrust makes them isolate themselves and are no longer interested in socializing with others. Because it's not a few people with anorexia eventually have problems in relationships with other people, especially in the family, friendship, education, and employment.

Health problems that arise
Perceived health problems of people with anorexia due to a lack of food intake, especially in the long term. Some of these health problems are:

  • Headache and dizziness
  • bloating
  • Constipation
  • Fatigue
  • Hands and feet are visible discoloration due to poor circulation
  • Fever
  • Hair loss
  • Dry skin
  • Problems in physical growth and puberty in children and adolescents
  • Insomnia
  • Irregular heartbeat
  • Dehydration
  • Low blood pressure
  • The growth of fine hair all over their bodies
  • Nails are easily broken
  • Stomach ache
  • Menstrual disorders in women.

Causes of Anorexia Nervosa

The exact cause of anorexia is still unclear. Most specialists believe these disorders arise from a combination of a number of factors, such as psychological, environmental, and genetic or biological.

Psychologically, fear and concerns about body fat, has led to an obsession and a strong impetus to the self anorexia sufferers to lose weight. In addition, people with anorexia also more emotionally closed and easily stressed.

Influence of environment on anorexia nervosa
Mindset formed under the influence of the environment can trigger anorexia, for example, is advertising in the media. Today the thin body is considered as an essential condition of beauty. Thought is then amplified and disseminated by advertising, so that not a few people were affected, especially teenagers.

The reason why people with anorexia are often just teenagers are many changes in the body, hormonal changes and periods of stress or anxiety. At this time, the confidence teens are so low that they are often indecisive and impressionable. Besides the influence of hormones, ridicule and pressure experienced by a teenager in school also can trigger anorexia.

Meanwhile, anorexia nervosa can also arise due to the demands of work and events are disappointing, such as a breakup.

Anorexia is due to hereditary factors and biological
Someone who has a family history of people with eating disorders, depression, or a drug addict, is believed to have a greater risk of developing anorexia.

In addition to heredity or genetics, suspected anorexia can occur due to changes in hormone levels and brain function as well. Such changes may affect parts of the brain that controls appetite or trigger feelings of guilt and worry due to a lot of eating.


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