Tuesday, May 3, 2016

You want to have a healthy body with perfect shape, but you do not want to go to a fitness center or gym. Maybe you do not have much free time, or you feel the price that must be paid is too expensive. Perhaps you feel uncomfortable practicing in a public place like that. Perhaps you recently signed up as a member of a gym, but the busy work of making you do not have time to visit the gym. There was no other choice, you can only do it at home. But you do not know, how fitness in the house is good and right?
Can Gym at home gives the same result as when we practice in the gym?
The answer, of course it could. Many exercise physiologist and health experts highly recommend Gym at home, especially for those who are busy. Reality faced today are almost all people do not have time to go to the gym every day.
Though a less healthy lifestyle, the food is full of preservatives, and the pollution we breathe everyday has the potential to cause disease in later life. Gym is one way to prevent our bodies from disease. That's the biggest reason why health experts recommend to fitness at home.
How to keep the results are the same as when we practice in the gym? The key is consistency. If done correctly, it is possible we can get better results than when practicing in the gym. Practicing in the gym without a regular schedule, in a way that is not true will only be a waste of time.
Another key after consistency is made fitness as a lifestyle. Make fitness as a routine. Take the time, place, and effort to do fitness every day. If you feel able to do this, then the ideal body that you would get in a short time.

Many health experts say that to design an effective fitness program at home does not require much effort and money. You can do an effective fitness program with simple fitness equipment. Some fitness equipment recommended is fit ball, push-up bars, dumbbell, and so forth. Such tools are enough to train all the major muscle groups in your body.
If you feel too heavy to buy these tools, no need to worry. Even without any tools or machines Gym you can still build muscle and burn calories effectively. As long as you know how, your dream will become a reality within a relatively short time.
To start the fitness exercise without tools, many physiologists mention that the most effective exercise is brisk walking, abdominal exercises and push-ups. It is some way of fitness at home are quite simple.
If you want to know the various ways other Gym, continue to read this article until the end.

How Fitnes at Home
5 Elements Fitness

According to some health experts, an effective fitness program has five elements. The good news, the Five Elements you can do yourself at home.
Gym five elements are:

  1. Heating.
  2. Cardiovascular exercise (aerobic).
  3. Resistance training (strength training).
  4. Exercise flexibility.
  5. Cooling (cool down).

Heating can easily do by means as simple as walking outside the house, or walking on a treadmill. You can also warm up the bike fitness wear, or more popularly known as a stationary bike. If you choose to wear heating fitness bike, you can do so at a slow pace. Do not be too quick in the beginning of the heating. Do not get out of breath before you enter the core exercises.
For cardiovascular exercise, you can do so in a way that is equally simple. Examples such as running faster. If you choose to use fitness bike, you can pedal with a little more quickly. You can also do aerobics while watching video guide aerobic widely available on the market, or do jump rope. Basically, do whatever you like. The purpose of this exercise is to make your heart beat faster.

Resistance exercise you can do with a few simple movements such as squats (squats), sit-ups and push-ups. If there is, you can also use dumbbell small size, or weight bar. Whichever you like, just do the exercises regularly. The result would you feel later on.
Increase the flexibility of your body by stretching on the floor, or doing yoga. At the end of the training session, the movement of cool down or cooling should be similar to the movements you do during heating. If when you do the road slowly warm up on the treadmill, at the time of cooling you should do the same. Some health experts contend, cardiovascular exercise at low levels can get your heart rate back to normal, that is, back to a resting state.
Be sure to warm up and cool every time you do fitness at home. Both things are equally important. You will not get the maximum results if you miss two elements. Skipping one of which is also not a good thing.
If one day you lack the time to exercise, try to keep practicing fitness. Busyness should not be a reason not to fitness. Remember, to get maximum results, make fitness as a lifestyle. You have to do it every day, whether you have time or do not have time.
If you only have a little time, increase the intensity of exercise time. If on a normal day you train for 60 minutes, and now you only have time no more than 20 minutes, do exercise harder. Try to force themselves during the twenty minutes. If in regular days you do jogging relax, do a quick run. Thus, fitness training will continue to make a positive impact on your body.
You can increase the intensity of strength training (strength workout) by conducting joint exercises. What is a joint exercise? This is an exercise that focuses on several muscle groups at the same time.
For example, you could do squats (squat), either with or without a load, which trains the quadriceps, hamstrings, buttocks, and calves. Then do push-ups involving chest muscles, deltoids, biceps, triceps, and even abdomen and upper back.
If you have trouble making fitness exercise program itself, there are many fitness videos scattered on the internet. Some videos require you to pay before they can watch it, and some videos available for free on video sharing sites such as YouTube. On sites like YouTube, you will not only get a video about fitness training. You can even learn kickboxing, belly dancing and break dancing. You can also find a video or a book contains a fitness training at the local bookstore. Among the various options, be sure to choose an exercise program that best matches your current health level.

Started Fitness Exercise at Home

If you are a beginner, try to do cardiovascular exercise for thirty minutes. Do it at least three times a week. For strength training, doing at least 20 to 30 minutes in one session. Do it three times a week. Make sure you've been strength training covers all the major muscle groups in the upper body, lower body, stomach and back. For each strength exercise, do three sets consisting of 10-15 reps.
Whatever type of exercise you do, make sure you start slowly. Increase exercise slowly, both in terms of duration of exercise, and intensity of exercise. Do not forget to pay attention to your body.
Focus on the muscles that you think should be more focused. You should be able to feel every exercise you do. If you train your stomach but you feel the pressure in the neck, then your workout is not quite right. Close your eyes, and start to feel your body.
If you choose a gym at home, it is very important to keep motivated. You should know the things that can motivate you to continue practicing.
Gym at home has several advantages. But there are also some disadvantages that are ready deter you have a dream body. Disruption of telephone, children, internet, terlevisi, even refrigerators can derail your workout at any time. If you are at home, it would be very easy to forget about exercise and do other things that you think should be done immediately. Once or twice, you understand. Long, eventually your fitness program stopped midway.
Some experts have suggested doing fitness exercise in the morning. This is the most appropriate way to stay motivated, while avoiding a variety of disorders. According to studies and surveys conducted by the American Council of Exercise, people who exercise in the morning are usually more able to be consistent in doing fitness program.

Many experts advise to make fitness exercise as the first thing you do in the morning. Make it as routine. Initially may be heavy, but after a long time you will get used. This will be very beneficial for your body.

How Fitnes at Home True

Health experts give a few other tips for you who prefer to fitness at home. Tips include:
  • During the practice, boredom definitely came over. No matter how much your commitment boredom surely come a time. To avoid boredom in practice, try to always give a challenge to yourself. Always looking for the latest fitness movement, or the latest fitness methods and apply that you find particularly challenging. How do I find the latest fitness movement? You can buy your favorite fitness magazine and saw some article that addresses this issue. You can also surf the internet to find a fitness program that you have never tried so far. Alternatively.  There are many fitness programs attract a decent try at home.
  • Find a partner in the practice. If at any time you feel lazy to practice, there will be friends who remind your main motivation in fitness training. If you practice alone, you will tend to find excuses to stop practicing. These partners can be anyone. Husband, wife, children, relatives, neighbors, anyone. The important thing you and your partner have a clear motivation and commitment. You and your partner should also remind each other if one looks lackluster in practice.
  • Create a workout schedule. Plan each exercise you will do. Grab a calendar and a memo, then write your exercise plan within one month. If something happens and you have to change one or two training sessions, done immediately reschedule as soon as possible.
  • As I have written in previous articles, always use a journal to record your progress. Write any breakthroughs you might do in each workout session. When you feel lazy and decided not to practice, write it anyway. This can be helpful at a later date to determine the schedule that is more suitable for you. Noting the things that make your mood down or up to practice. For example, if you eat the egg whites in the morning, then go straight up your mood. It is important to keep the mood is always stable. So that the ideal body that you desire can you get faster.
  • Set your goals in practice. Do you want to have six pack abs? Do you want to lose weight by 10 kilograms? Create objectives as detailed and specific as possible. Your goal should be realistic. Objectives that are likely able to achieve in a certain time span. Unrealistic goals will lead you to disappointment. If you make something specific achievement, give a gift to yourself. Yes, no matter how small achievement. This prize could be the latest fitness magazines, the latest fitness clothing that you seek, or a new pair of sneakers.
  • Get enough rest, stop smoking, stop drinking alcohol, eating nutritious balanced meals. Only that way you can get the body shape you desire in a short time. If you do fitness but still have a poor lifestyle, then this is like the sea salt. Futile. Do not get the time and energy you spend your hard-earned to be in vain. Stop bad habits, and have a healthy lifestyle from now on.
  • These tips are the most important among other tips. Make fitness exercise as an important part of your life, such as eating and sleeping. Attain your body is in desperate need fitness. You have to have the mindset that the fitness program you are living now is a lifestyle change. Change for the better. That is, your fitness program has no end. Just like eating, drinking and sleeping, your fitness activity that ended when death approached. If you think that a health or fitness need only be done within a month, a year, or within a certain time, then change your mindset. Make fitness as an integral part of your life.

Thus engrossed guide how fitness at home. Hope this article is useful, and we hope you can get the ideal body that you desire in the shortest time possible. Until meet in the articles how the next fitness, and good practice!

Do you currently decide to start practicing fitness? Congratulations! You have taken the first step to have a more healthy body and fit. Read More How Fitness - The Most Complete Guide to completion, and you will get into shape in no time.

Many health experts say that the practice (Gym) is a wonder drug. According to experts, fitness can cure various diseases, such as some forms of heart disease. Gym has been proven to prevent and cure people of cancer. Gym can help cure arthritis or rheumatism. In some cases, Gym also has healed people from depression.

In addition, of course we also know that other fitness benefit, which helps you lose weight effectively. Gym is able to make your body become lean and contains solid look.

To get all the benefits of it, of course, there are conditions. Your body must keep moving and moving. This does not mean you have to follow a strict pattern of fitness, time consuming, and in severe levels (although actually it is able to deliver a truly maximum). In fact, you can get the benefits of various types and levels of fitness exercise.

If you want to lose weight, and also have a healthy body, then fitness is the answer. Most importantly, you do regularly fitness and feeling good. Pleasure is the key. If you do something with half-and-half, then the result would not be maximal.

Can not wait to have a healthy body with the ideal form? Through this long article, CaraFitnes.com will help you understand how fitness is good and right for beginners.

Preparation phase

The first thing you should do is to evaluate, Gym shape as what you should do. Are strongly advised to consult first with a doctor, particularly for those who suffer from serious disease and for those who are aged over 45 years. In consultation with a medical expert, you will know how heavy exercise you can do. This will minimize the risk of malicious that may arise.

But in fact, the right fitness exercise almost no risk for anyone with health conditions like anything.

Once you have done the evaluation, the next step is to set goals. For example, if you want to practice three times a week? Do you want to look ideal body shape? Or do you want to lose weight to 10 kilograms? Whatever it is, specify the destination. This will make your workout more focused.

Make sure the destination you create has the following three elements:
  1. Clear
  2. Realistic
  3. Short / No rambling
Please note, however, that the condition of your health, whatever your goals, start any fitness exercise with caution. Starting slowly, the load is not too heavy, and time is not too long. Most beginners make the mistake to start fitness training too aggressively, because it thought that only in that way they will get instant results. When finally their bodies ache, fatigue, or even injured, they finally gave up.

Most of the starters I encountered surrendered for exercise too much in the early phase. After the exhaustion and did not go get the expected results, they suddenly stop practicing. We need to do in the initial phase is habit forming, or habbit. The formation of this habit is a factor of importance. A stone can be perforated for water droplets continuously. Doing fitness exercise as well as the water droplets, which gradually but consistently. The results you get will be maximum.

Remember, nothing is instant in the world. Everything needed process. If you want maximum results and last a long time, do everything slowly. Enjoy your workout.

Term in Fitness

Before starting a fitness exercise at the gym or fitness center, there are some terms you need to know. Here's a list of terms commonly appears on fitness exercise:

Stretching (Stretching)

The type of exercise that aims to improve and strengthen the range of motion of the joint. In general, muscles, tendons, and joints will become shorter over time. This is due to aging, as well as the activity of the body is less active (example: too long working at the computer without ever exercising).

Strength Training (Strength Training)

Some call it weight training, or resistance training. This type of exercise aims to increase strength and muscle function. The focus of this exercise is to strengthen each muscle group. Examples of this type of exercise is weight lifting and push-ups.

Maximum Heart Rate (Maximum Heart Rate)

The maximum heart rate is certainly based on a person's age. Estimated heart rate associated with the maximum age of a person. How do I know your maximum heart rate? Use this formula: 220 minus your age. The result is an estimate of the maximum heart rate. Please note, this is only an estimate.


This term is usually used when we talk about strength training (strength exercise). The purpose of this term is to repeat the same exercise in a certain count number. For example, push-ups 15 times, then rest for a minute. Push-ups 15 times it is called a set.

Reps (repetition), or Rep

The point is repetition. This refers to the amount of movement you perform in a set. In the example set of push-ups on top, we did 15 reps. If you do 15 reps, which means you do 1 set.

Heating (Warm Up)

When doing the exercises, the muscles, joints, and tendons in your body will stiffen. The heating is done to prepare your body before experiencing these tensions. Your body can be heated with light aerobic movements like walking. When you walk for a few minutes, the intensity of the blood flow in your body will increase. In effect, the muscles and joints will heat up. At the end of the warm-up session, is a good thing to do stretching (stretching). Keep in mind, warming up and stretching are two different things. Stretching or stretching included in one motion cooling (cool down).

Refrigeration (Cool Down)

It was a light movement sessions are you doing to cool your body after heavy exercise. For example, after you walk on a treadmill, reduce speed for a few minutes. Walk slowly until your breathing and heart rate back to normal.

Examples of How Fitness For Beginners

Before starting a fitness exercise, it is very important for you to warm up. Similarly do some light stretching exercises. But do not waste your energy on this session. Save your energy for core exercises. Also do not forget to save energy in order to cool down and stretch after the exercise is completed core.

Virtually all health experts stressed the importance of warming up before doing fitness exercise. Heating, according to some health experts, like oil that lubricate the engine of the vehicle. Without oil, the engine will quickly overheat and eventually broken. You certainly do not want your body is damaged, do not you?

After a considerable warming, health experts recommend three types of exercise for your overall fitness exercise. These three types of exercise are: cardiovascular exercise, strength training (strength exercise), and flexibility exercises. These three exercises should not be done at once, but do each of these exercises regularly can make your fitness increases dramatically.

Here's an explanation of the three forms of the exercise in more detail:

1. Cardiovascular Exercise

Start by doing aerobics. Examples of aerobic movement is walking or running. In one session, do at least 20-30 minutes. Perform aerobic exercise 4-5 times a week. Make sure you practice hard enough. There are ways to tell if you've been training hard enough, or not. The trick is, sing while practicing. If you can sing easily, meaning that you do not practice hard enough. Add your exercise intensity.

2. Strength Training (Strength Exercise)

Start by doing one set of exercises that focus on each of the major muscle groups. Do not use a load that is too heavy. Burden could risk making your muscles hurt. Use the load that fits to your body. How do I measure it? Use the load you can lift as much as eight to twelve times in one set. If you want to increase the portion of practice, do not add dramatically. Add gradually, both in terms of weight, number of repetitions, or the number of sets. To optimize the results will be, do strength training at least twice a week.

3. Flexibility Exercises

Many health experts recommend stretching, slow, static, and continuing for three to seven days each week. Try to perform each stretch for ten to thirty seconds.

If you are in doubt whether the movement of the exercise you are doing is correct, please hire a personal trainer. Do not be too long, just one or two sessions only. Some fitness centers provide free coaching sessions when you have just joined. Take this opportunity to learn the basic movements. Furthermore, you can develop yourself in various ways, such as read tips and tutorials on this CaraFitnes.com website.

How Fitnes at Home

Gym should not be done in the gym. You can do it in your home comfortable. You also do not need to buy expensive fitness equipment. You can do exercises that nourish your body with heavy use. Exercise is meant is the squat (squat), the knee bends, sit-ups and push-ups. If you have a little money, it is advisable to purchase fitness equipment that is affordable to your pocket. This will make the training more effective.

If you prefer to fitness at home, some health experts advise buying home fitness equipment below:


This is a home fitness equipment that is most in demand. This tool is great for cardiovascular exercise. If you choose to practice wearing this tool, start with a low intensity for 30 minutes. Do a "test sing." If you can sing easily, meaning the intensity of your workout is still lacking. Add slowly until you start panting and difficulty in singing.

Fitness Equipment "Free Weight"

Fitness equipment are included in this category are barbells and dumbbells. In general, the difference between these two tools is, longer than the barbell dumbbell. For beginners, it is advisable to wear a dumbbell. There are types of adjustable dumbbells that weigh. This dumbbell can use if you're new to fitness training.

Strength Training Equipment (Strength) Other

Included in this category is the weight stack (shaped plates with cables and pulleys), flexible rod, and a flexible band. Some experts say that the flexible band is great for beginners, because usually provided instructions are easy to understand on this instrument. However, the use of this tool for the long term is not recommended. In a long time, the muscles of your body will adapt to this tool. You'll need another tool that is more challenging.

Stability Ball or Swiss Ball, or Exercise Ball

While these tools with user guide, but many experts recommend for beginners to avoid the use of this tool. If used incorrectly, then the consequences would be fatal for the body. If you can not maintain balance, it is probably for a very big fall. As a result, the body can bruise and injury. If you are interested in doing the exercises wearing these tools, learn how to use them well. Use of good will give a very nice effect on your body.

Video Training Fitnes

There are lots of fitness training videos that you can watch for free on YouTube. You can also buy several fitness DVDs are usually sold at a gym or fitness center. If you choose to watch video fitness exercise, make sure you watch it first to complete. Do not until you try to follow the instructions, when you have not watch until the end of the video. Why should it be to finish first? At least we could observe the structure and form of exercise appropriately. For maximum results, it is advised to exercise in front of the mirror. The goal, for each form of exercise we can do it right. If there is no mirror, you can ask the people closest to watching every move you make.

Thus tips and a brief tutorial on how fitness. Hope this article helps you get the body you desire. Congratulations to practice

You want to know how fitness is good and right? You want to start practicing fitness but confused where to start? You want to start doing weight training that is true, but do not know where to start? You are desperate to enter the gym, or a gym, and you do not know how to use fitness equipment in there? No need to worry. Read this article to complete, and you will get answers to these questions.

On this occasion, I will explain the basic rules to start doing fitness program whatever your goal; whether it's to add strength, lose weight, increase muscle, or just improve the vitality of the body. Whatever your goal, this article will help you start a fitness exercise in a way that is good and right.

If you often fail when dieting or cardio exercise, then try to do strength training (strength training). Strength training provides results far faster and far more optimal than diet or cardio exercises. 

Consistent exercise (over two times each week, for twelve weeks) can provide the following benefits:
  • Increase the size of the muscle fibers;
  • Increase the contractile muscle strength;
  • Increasing the power of veins;
  • Increase the strength of ligaments.

Can hardly wait to see how fitness is good and right? Read this article to completion, practice all the techniques described in this article, and you'll get the perfect body in no time.

Some Fitness Exercise Etiquette in Gym
  • First, always bring a towel when practicing in a gym or fitness center. Use the towel to wipe the fitness equipment you've used recently.
  • Make sure you put the dumbbell or barbell that is over you wear into place, in order of severity. Do not let you put it carelessly, so as to make people want to wear it then becomes a loss to find a dumbbell or a barbell with a weight he needed.
  • Do not extend the time you spend in wearing a fitness tool, when you know someone is waiting to use the same tools. If possible, practice alternating with the person. The trick, first you do a set of exercises. And submit tool for the person to do the exercises for one set anyway. Then, you can practice as much as one set. And so on. The key is good communication. Most people would want to do so, as long as you ask politely and respectfully.
  • Leave your communications tools in a locker, or in a vehicle. Mobile phone or smartphone you will only disrupt your focus and concentration. Get rid of all of it during the on-going exercise.
Some Common Mistakes to Avoid in Exercise Fitness
  • For starters, do not directly practice tool wear too heavy, which is not in accordance with the ability of your body. Always start training with a lightweight tool, or at least according to your ability. If after completion of the first exercise your body feels pain, it could be you wear a tool that weighs exceeds the capabilities of your body. If you continue reckless force that weighs tool wear exceeds the ability, your body can be injured. Muscle group you are targeting in practice sessions would not be able to develop optimally.
  • Conversely, do not also use the tools that are too light. If you just play it safe, the results would not be maximal. The muscles of your body will not develop as you would expect. Use heavy that if you can lift for 10-20 times. After some time, increase its weight little by little. Only in this way the muscles in your body can develop well.
  • Perform reps too fast. The muscles in your body will not grow if you lift weights too fast. Lift up the weight slowly. Try not to be too slow. By lifting the weight slowly, the muscles in your body will develop slowly but surely. You will also reduce the risk of injury.
  • Resting too quickly, or rest too long. Both are not good for the development of your body. During breaks in the break between sets recommended is between 30-90 seconds. With the rest in the right time on a regular basis, your body will become conditioned to always fit.

How Fitnes Good and True

Guide to Exercise This
The exercise is designed to achieve wellness and overall health and maximum. Gym workout is designed for beginners who have never been to fitness at all, and also for those already skilled in this field.
Most of these exercises wearing fitness equipment engine manifold. It was deliberately designed for beginners who parts his joints still less powerful. Another aim, so that the exercise could be more stable in terms of gestures. If you start with lifting weights, wearing fitness equipment type "free weight" such as dumbbells and barbells, you can get injured because the movement is not stable.
Use the machine to make parts of the body weak get strong enough support. Gym machine also makes muscles that are focused to be trained to become strong enough, before you later decide to practice to wear a "free weight."

Here's a guide to this fitness exercise:
  • Do exercises at least two times each week. Strength and fitness was significant only will you get to do the exercises twice a week.
  • Take one day off in between days of training.
  • For best results, do a set that contains at least 8-12 reps. Remember, always use a load that is not too light and not too heavy.
  • To get the perfect body shape, two sets (each consisting of 8-12 reps) should be carried out until your muscles are no longer able to continue. If your muscles are exhausted, do rest for 30-90 seconds.
  • Do not lift weights too fast. One reps least you can do for 4-5 seconds. Do it slow and steady.
  • Rest minimum of 30 seconds each set of exercises. Not more than 90 seconds. Take breaks between each exercise for 1 to 2 minutes.

How Fitnes Good and True for Beginners

heating Cardiorespiratory

Cardiorespiratory related to the heart, lungs, and blood vessels. Which became the focus of the exercise is the heart and respiratory system.
Warm up for 5-10 minutes cardiorespiratory moderate intensity. You can use a treadmill or elliptical trainer. If you like, you also can do simple exercises such as walking, or doing jump rope. The focus of this warming is to train the large muscles, increase blood flow, and heat up the muscles.

Weight Training
leg Press

Sit on the leg press machine. Put both your feet tapping footing leg press machine. Keep the same width as your shoulders. Hold the handle grips, or the side of the chair. Bend your knees, and lower weight on the foot as far as possible. Try to position your hips are not changed.
Remember, do not lower the burden too much so as to make you curl your hips off the chair. Then, slowly, push the load. Use the power of which is concentrated in the heel. Do not use the power of the toes. When the load has reached the highest position, do not "lock" your knees. Having arrived at its farthest, lower back load slowly. You can vary the position of your feet to make a variation of the angle of the muscles.

leg Extension

The next exercise is to use the leg extension machine. There are several things you should consider. First, sit down and find the most comfortable position. Adjust footing (pad) and / or the seat so that your knees hang. Footrest should be in the lower part of the shin. Hold the handle firmly, and make sure your hips are not lifted as the exercise progresses.
Now, move your feet, up to your knees straight. Make sure your sitting position remained flat. You can add to the load slowly. Key position for a few seconds, hold briefly, then slowly return the leg to the starting position. Do it for a few reps. This exercise will make your muscles develop rapidly. Remember, do not swing the load. The truth is lifting slowly. A rocking motion will not give the maximum effect on your body muscles.

Lying Leg Curls

Position your body in a state of lying face down. Face down. Associate your heel on the ground rollers (roller pad). Position your legs should be straight. Keep footing (pad) was in the back of your ankle. Grasp the handle firmly in order to position your body has not changed for the exercise progresses.
Make sure the machine is in the stomach flat. Slowly, lift your legs until your hamstrings muscles to contract fully. Hold briefly, then lower the load slowly back to the starting position. Again, do not perform a rocking motion. Lift up with your leg strength slowly.

Seated Leg Curl

Perform movements such as the instructions contained in the seated leg curl machine.

Wide-Grip Lat Pull Down

To begin the exercise using this machine, position your legs just below the kneepad (footing for the knees). Your feet should be flat on the floor. Grasp the handles firmly. Pull the handle down. Position the handles in front of your chest. Bend your back a little bit.
Make sure your elbows remain under the handle. Stop with the position of the bar (rod) just in front of the collarbone. Slowly, return the bar to the starting position. Do not mirikan your body too far. Remember, tensile load using the power of your body.

Machine Bench Press

The use of this machine is the same as a regular bench press exercise, only this time use the machine. Follow the instructions that are usually printed on the machine of your choice. Be sure to perform each repetition slowly.

Machine Chest Fly

This tool is also known as the Pec Deck Fly. How to use as follows. Sit on the machine with your back flat on the mat (pad). Position your arm on the lever bearings. Position the upper arm approximately parallel to the floor. Push the lever with both hands simultaneously. Push your chest slowly so depressed in the middle. Return the lever to its original position, until your chest is wide open. Repeat several times.

Triceps pushdown - Rope Attachment

This exercise is basically exercise the triceps pushdown only with extra hooks a rope. Pull the rope as far as possible, according to the capability of your hand. The goal, so that part of your triceps to contract perfectly. Try to keep your body upright, do not tilt.

Machine Bicep Curl

Follow the instructions printed on the engine you choose. Every gym has a bicep curl machine in a different form.

Machine Shoulder (Military) Press

How to use the same as we use a shoulder press machine.

Ab Crunch Machine

Exercise using this machine as the movement of sit-ups. This machine helps add a load so that the muscles of your body develops the maximum. Read and follow the instructions on the machine that you choose. Be sure to do reps slowly and steadily. Concentrate wear your abdominal muscles to push the load. Meanwhile, make your feet relax.

Air Bike

Lie down in supine. Place your hands behind your head. Raise your legs so your thighs in an upright position. Keep the bottom of your feet facing the floor in parallel. Slowly, curl up and move your left elbow to the right side of the body. Lift your right leg, so that the right knee meets the left elbow. This movement is similar to the movement you do when riding a bike.
The exercises that I show in this article can form the muscles of your body perfectly. Do the above exercises in the same order. It's important for you to do exercises that focused on the largest muscle groups to the smallest muscle groups.

Fitness Correct Procedures

Some additional tips for the results that you get the maximum.
  • Drink plenty of mineral water. Try to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water every day. Do not get dehydrated. Dehydration, or lack of fluids, will make your body weak. As a result, the exercise will not run optimally. During the on-going exercise, try to keep drinking plenty of water.
  • Eat foods with adequate nutrition and balanced. Do not overeat. Keep your body gets protein and carbohydrate intake is sufficient. The point, in order to fit your body back after doing a series of strenuous exercise.
  • Stay away from cigarettes, stay away from alcohol, stay away from drugs, stay away from fast food. All this will only damage your body. Exercises you can do is be useless if you eat it all.
  • Record all things. What you are doing, and what you have done. Noting the development of your body. This will make you know what exercises to do to achieve the goals that you set at the beginning.

Similarly, how fitness is good and right that I can convey. If you have some additional tips, please write in the comment column. If you feel the great benefits after doing a variety of exercises that I recommend, you can also write it in the comments field.


Imagine if you could scrape your body fat more quickly than the conventional ways that you have been doing.

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Well, as the development time, researchers from around the world managed to find the right formula scrape the stubborn fat in your body. In fact, this way is easier and safer than the conventional way you normally do. Anything?

Grab Bag Get rid of Fat
Next time if you want to walk around the block housing, do not forget to wear your backpack. Fill the bag with a load of 20 percent of your body weight. A report of the American College of Sports Medicine found that this method can burn fat up to 30 percent.
Walking with a stick in each hand also provides multiple benefits for you. You will be longer, the pressure on the waist decreases and your energy will increase by 67 percent, as reported in the Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research.

When the Cold Weather Exercise
During cold weather exercise can help burn more fat. Scientists at the University of Gothenburg discovered, while exercising in cold weather, carry brown fat calories from fat layer so that the layer of fat was reduced.
"All that you can get with just a 4 minute workout at a temperature of 4 degrees Celsius," explained Professor Mike Cawthorne of the University of Buckingham.
Another study at the University of Nottingham found that exercise during hot weather also activate brown fat.

Stomach Sixpack with Simply Sleep
Studies conducted over 5 years at Wake Forest University in the US found that between 6-7 hours of sleep per night is the best time to reduce fat in the abdomen.
"Give yourself a pause time of 3 hours since you complete the exercises in the gym up to the bed," said Dr Louise Reyner in Loughborough Sleep Research Center.
"The exercise will stimulate the production of adrenaline also affects the quality of sleep," he added.

Burn Fat in 134 Heartbeats / Minute
Research at the University of Colorado found that someone training with the maximum heart rate 134 heartbeats / minute can burn more fat.
Running is the best exercise because it can burn 0.7 grams of fat per minute, according to the findings of the University of Cape Town. The best way to determine your heart rate during exercise is to use a heart rate monitor.

Lifting More Explosive
The team of researchers at Ball State University states that when you lift weights, the best way to scrape the fat is by doing explosive movements, namely lifting weights in 1 second and down in 3 seconds.
They also claimed that lower body exercises such as; squats, lunges, and calf raises, is the best exercise to try this explosive techniques. The researchers recommend to drink a glass of fat-free milk after a training session is completed.
Consumed 600ml of fat-free milk after exercise to burn fat is almost two times more than consume fitness drinks.

interval Training
The study by a team of researchers at the University of New South Wales Australia found that 8 seconds of high intensity exercise followed by 12 seconds of low intensity is an effective way to cut body fat.
"Use the elliptical trainer or stationary bike while doing this technique (interval)," said Mack Parnell of Rebootpt.co.id.
"Make use 40-50 percent of your maximum strength. Repeat as much as 20 minutes twice a week to burn fat even more, "he added.

Spot 5 x Day
"To burn more calories, eat 5 small meals per day," said researchers at the University of Toronto. 3 diet should contain a combination of protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats.
Choose a menu of healthy and low in calories in your meal. Boiled eggs and wheat bread could be the right choice for breakfast. For lunch you can snack snack nuts or fruit. Adjust Similarly to other meal times.
Target 70 percent protein for every diet you consume, either from fish, meat, or fruit and vegetables.

Slim with 25mg of Vitamin D
The study, conducted by a team of researchers at the University of Minnesota found that increasing vitamin D intake can help you lose weight.
"Foods rich in vitamin D are salmon," says nutritionist Anita Bean. "100g salmon fillet contains 25mg of vitamin D," he said.
"Complete with healthy seasonings such as garlic, lemon and salad plus a combination of vinegar. Add to this olive oil (olive oil) to enhance the body's ability to burn fat.
"This food is a source of antioxidants to neutralize harmful chemicals which can lead to weight gain," said Bean.


Here's How To Exercise Fitness True, given the many people who failed in fitness because does not know how to correct Fitness.

Often though fitness exercise but not accompanied by knowledge of fitness, he got not a beautiful body, but rather stiff and tired. As someone who wants to visit a street, should definitely know the way, if not the only person going astray.

Yesterday already discussed Exercise Fitness To Lose Weight, but after I created the article, I had thought that the step-step Fitnes True more importantly I would like to advance the truth, so I delayed making this article, but not what it is, than not created equal once.

Here's how fitness is right that you should consider before practicing total:
  • Perform overall in terms of look for a gym that has a complete tool for the entire body so you are required to train all the muscles of the body you doing on schedule for 5-6 months. Try not until you have muscular arms and chest were athletic but your feet are not in accordance with the upper body. If imaginable will definitely look funny, because the upper body portion stocky lower body visible but not muscular.
  • Do it gradually compute load and start from light load. Avoid using heavy burden directly, because it is very harmful to your muscles, so starting from a light load and then gradually to the heavier load. Most likely if you use direct load weight.
  • Use the proper way by using tools and load as needed you do not force your muscles through weight that is too heavy to excess it can cause injury to your muscles.
  • Do it gradually in the sense progressively increase the load and the more strenuous exercise eg in the first set to do 15 times with a load of 5 kg and then rest your muscles after it started again with 10 times using a weight of 7 kg and so on.
  • Cardio take your time for this at least 30 minutes in tredmil did cardio two times a week can help you burn fat and good for heart health fitness balance it with you.
  • A diet even if you should exercise routine in your food is not known yet confirmed your training will not provide maximum results so watch what you eat stay away from foods that contain high carbohydrate high levels of sugar and fried foods
  • Make a healthy lifestyle for a healthy lifestyle

It's probably just the way Exercise Fitness True you need to consider, though seem trivial, but it was very influential success or not you doing fitness.
Keep the spirit, doing fitness as possible, until you feel the results.

Monday, May 2, 2016

There are so many ways to lose weight 10 kg you can get information from the internet or from health magazines. But not infrequently the various methods that are actually very accurate, failed to run. The cause of the failure of diet or weight loss program is actually also very common and trivial. Usually due to a poorly prepared mentally, inconsistent, and often violate taboos diet that you are running.

In losing weight, there are some important things you should always pay attention to and remember. Section 10 kg is not a small amount to be lowered in a very short time. Moreover, you are also not recommended diet by eating slimming drugs or chemical drugs like. Therefore in this article we will discuss how to lose weight 10 kg in a short time and experienced and also what things are causing the body to become fat, you need to avoid to help you lose weight. The causes the body to become fat will be discussed on page 2 of this article.

How To Lose Weight Fast 10 Kg with but Healthy
There are several things you can do to lose weight up to 10 kg, the better you do, the more weight down. Losing weight is not easy and it takes effort to get it, but what the results will be obtained? Your appearance will become increasingly attractive and will be more confident, and of course, the body will be healthier if the diet is done right. Here are some quick yet healthy way to lose weight up to 10 kg.

Diet program
The first step to lose weight 10 kg is looking for a diet program that is most suitable for you. Where diets are most likely to do, which is suitable for your body and not overly disrupt daily activities. There are so many healthy diet methods that you can use, just call it like diet mayo, OCD, conventional diet programs, and so forth.

Exercising Regularly
To burn the calories that has accumulated in your body, you should begin to change your habits become healthier. One way is to exercise more regularly again. Perform this simple activity at least 4 times a week. Sports that you do not need any heavy activity. Just do jogging, sit ups, push ups, yoga, gentle exercise or other activities.

Right Mindset
Do not expect beforehand that a diet method can certainly help you lose weight in a short time. How to lose weight 10 kg is not easy, the article you need consistency and the right mindset so that you really can achieve your goals. Just do it with sincerity while running a diet program that you do it consistently.

How to lose weight 10 kg which in turn is to provide motivation for you. It is undeniable that everything that is implanted in the mind will be more effective to make someone become more consistent passion and doing the diet. For example being motiviasi you are to recover from a disease that does require you to immediately lose your weight. Thus typically the process will go more smoothly because there is a clear goal or purpose.

Reduce Carbohydrate and Sugar
Furthermore, you are also advised to reduce consumption of carbohydrates and also different types of foods that contain sugar. Call it the rice than white rice, cakes, chocolate, candy, and so on. The types of food as it can ruin your diet program you might have done for a few days or a few weeks. But that does not mean you should not eat or do not eat rice cakes. You should consume these foods as long as the limits or the portion already suggested in a diet program that you run.

Some Causes Body Being Fat General
Body fat is usually originated from trivial habit that is done repeatedly. Then the longer fat and cholesterol accumulate unchecked and eventually lead to obesity. Once you know what things you can do to lose weight, you also need to know why the body can be fat. The goal is of course to help you do a diet program to lose, but it is also important in the future to maintain the condition of your body in order to remain an ideal and healthy.

Many people assume that fat happens because people eat too much. But did you know that it turns fat can also occur because a person eat less? Besides fat can also occur because a person eating too many antidepressants that may be consumed in order to reduce the stress that is being experienced. Without you knowing that turns medication as it could slow down the metabolism and disrupt the balance of hormones in the body.

Besides other factors are chronic illness or because of genetic factors. If you have a family tree in which all family members you are fat, then your body will be more easily fat if you do not notice the pattern of your life. Stress conditions was also very influential and instrumental to make your body more fat. Because when you are stressed, cortisol levels will appear in greater numbers. Well, cortisol can be liberating sugars from actual muscle serves to collect fat in the abdomen. Thus you will also become easier obese.

The food portions are unrestrained certainly very easy to get your body fat. Especially in the modern era has been quite difficult to control diet and a healthy lifestyle. But if you want to be thin, do you also to not eat. Why is that? If you think logically, when you are lazy to eat or deliberately do not eat during the day, precisely at the next mealtime your stomach as you require to eat in greater numbers. This is because the body will lack the calories and nutrients needed by the body. Therefore, do not eat is not the best solution to lose weight 10 kg in a short time.

Less like that explanation on how to lose weight 10 kg in a short time and naturally. You do not need to eat a variety of slimming drugs that can actually have adverse effects for health if it does not match the body. No need to sacrifice health just to lose weight, health is primary. So this article and hopefully useful.

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